It Is What It Is

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Toni cried herself to sleep that night. She realized that she wasn't mad at Kenny but herself. She went snooping and got her ass handed to her. She also had the flashback of Keri confessing his love for her. Kenny laid in the bed staring at the ceiling trying to figure out what went wrong.

Toni P.O.V.
This mess with Keri has me on edge. I should had never blew up on Ken like that. Now we're on bad terms and need to talk about it.

Kenny P.O.V.
Toni just blew up for nothing. I understand why she would go off but that was very petty. Hopefully we can fix this fast I miss sleeping next to my baby.

The Next Morning....

Kenny decided to cook Toni breakfast and bring it to her in bed.

Kenny: Knock Knock beautiful wake up sleepy head.

Toni: Good morning babe. How are you this morning?

Kenny: I made you breakfast. A little confused from last night but I'm happy to see you smiling.

Toni: Ken I have something I need to tell you. The other day Keri came by and confessed his love to me.

Kenny: So now he sees how wonderful and amazing you are? *Laughing*

Toni: Hush *Laughing* But before that he kissed me.

Kenny: And what did you do?

Toni: I pushed him off and told him that we were over because I was with the love of my life.

Kenny: *Leans In* That's why I love you so much. We are made for each other Tone you complete me.*Kisses Toni*

Toni: I love you too baby! So are we going to talk about the whole Nicole situation.

Kenny: Babe you know how she is. I'm not trying to sound cocky but she's still feeling me. What happened last night was nothing I promise to you.

Toni: Okay I believe you.

Kenny: Great! I have to go to the studio for awhile.

Toni and Kenny finish eating breakfast together. Kenny heads to the studio but takes a different turn. He sits outside a familiar house then decides to handle business. Kenny rings the doorbell and waits.

Keri: Hey Kennet....

Kenny punches Keri in the face with a powerful left jab. Keri falls to the floor looking confused.

Keri: What was that for?

Kenny: Don't play dumb with me asshole! You think Tone wouldn't tell me you tried her! *Pushes Keri against wall punches him in stomach* I tried to be the nice gentle Babyface and come to you as a man but I see you thought I was a punk! *Punches Keri again*

All of sudden out of the blue a familiar voice calls out Kenny's name.

Who was it that called Kenny's name? Will this help or make their relationship worse?

I think I'm going to start writing shorter chapters but the good thing is I'll be updating faster.

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