The Honeymoon

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Toni opened her eyes and noticed that Kenny had disappeared then she realized that she was still on the private plane. She looked out the window and saw nothing but clouds and the beautiful blue sky.

Toni: Kenny!

Kenny comes out of the cockpit smiling.

Kenny: Hey Mrs. Edmonds how did you sleep?

Toni: I slept wonderful baby! *kisses Kenny* I'm hungry.

Kenny: Me too. *Licks lips and winks*

Toni pounced on Kenny and wrapped her legs around him. Kenny walked them into the bedroom and laid Toni down on the bed. They stared into each other's eyes just smiling. Then they started to make out and Kenny kissed Toni from head to toe.Toni and Kenny made passionate love for hours. They cuddled and fell asleep. Kenny woke up Toni to get ready because the jet would be landing soon.

Toni: Ken where are we we've been on this plane all day!

Kenny: Just chill don't ruin your surprise.

Finally the jet landed but Ken didn't want Toni to see so he blindfolded her. Toni was starting to get aggravated with all these secrets.

Toni: Ken I swear if you don't tell me where we are right now I'm going to!....

Kenny: Do what?! Fun size just relax we are almost there.

Finally the limo stops and they get out. Kenny takes the blindfold from over Toni's eyes.

Kenny: Surprise!

Toni: OMG Ken it's so beautiful. Where are we?

Kenny: El Nido, Palawan, Philippines

Toni: The Philippines! Ken you remembered! *Kisses Kenny*

Kenny: Of course back in the day all you talked about was coming to the Philippines one day.

Kenny cracks Toni's back for the next four days. They don't leave their hut at all. The whole time they got complaints about the noise so they finally decided to explore the resort.

Toni: Babe what activities do you want to do today?! *Looks through brochure*

Kenny: Whatever you pick is fine.

Toni: Scuba Diving and windsurfing!

Kenny: Tone your really going to get your hair wet?

Toni: Something like that *Grabs shower cap*

Kenny: No no no! These little people over here going to be like wtf is wrong with her. *Laughing*

Toni: Ken we left everybody in L.A. There's no one to do my hair over here. What if my hair gets messed up?

Kenny: Then I'll do it. *Smirks*

Toni: Ken your not going to put your hand in my head.

Kenny: I've touched you from head to toe for four days and now I can't do your hair. *Laughing*

Toni: Okay I trust so I'll get my hair wet today.

Toni and Kenny went out to the water and had a blast. Toni got soaked and barely got mad. After they walked down the beach and shopped at a few tourist attractions.

Lady: Welcome if you need anything don't hesitate to ask!

Toni: Babe what should we get the kids?

Kenny: I see some matching shirts over there.

Toni: Ohhh and here's a doll for Peyton.

Kenny: Cool they'll love this!

Toni: Let's see if we can find something with their names on it.

Kenny: Really Toni? *Laughing*

Toni: You'll never know maybe they have something here. *Laughing*

Kenny and Toni search high and low but can't find the kids name on any of the merchandise.

Kenny: Yes!

Toni: Did you find it?!

Kenny: I found my name!

Toni: Really Ken.

Kenny walks over to Toni with three hats. One said Kenneth, the other said Kenny and the last one said Ken.

Toni: Whoopy damn do! *Laughing*

Kenny: It's not my fault I have an ordinary name Toni with an I.

Toni: Congrats! *Clapping*

Kenny: And they have my middle name too!

Toni: Oh hell naw where's that lady!

Lady: Ma'am how may I help you?

Toni: Do you monogram names on shirts?

Lady: It depen....


Toni: Hi nice to meet you.

Lady 2: Can I have your autograph?!!

Toni: Sure!

Kenny: Tone where are...


Toni and Kenny took pictures and ended up signing autographs damn near the whole day.

Toni: That lady called everybody she knew to come down to that damn shop.

Kenny: I know right but at least we were able to get the kids names put on some stuff.

Toni: The power of being famous! *Evil Grin*  So Ken are you ready?

Kenny: Hell yea! *Takes off shirt/ kisses Toni*

Toni: Hmmm *Shoves comb and brush into Kenny's  chest*

Kenny: Oh it's like that?

Toni: We can play after. *Smirks*

45 Minutes Later...

Kenny: Annnnddddddd I'm done I should open up my own salon. *Nodding*

Toni: Ken my hair still looks the same.

Kenny: I know but your so beautiful that doesn't matter.

Toni and Kenny enjoyed the rest of their time in Indonesia. They had to leave early because of some business opportunities that they couldn't miss.

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