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Toni P.O.V
It's only been like 2 hours but it feels like 2 days has passed by. I'm getting a little sleepy and horny because Ken won't stop touching on me.

Toni: Ken how many times do I have to tell you to stop that.

Kenny: I'm nervous I can't help it.

Toni: Normal people have to pee or sweat a lot when they're nervous and your weird ass gets horny.

Kenny: No I don't get horny I'm just rubbing on my good luck charm.

Toni: Anyway I hope the kids or my sister don't come over here.

Kenny: They aren't. I sent them away this weekend to Florida. I planned this amazing weekend for alone time for us.

Toni: Kenny that's so sweet but what do we do now.

Kenny: Wait don't we have security cameras?

Toni: Ken we haven't looked at those things in years plus we don't have a laptop in here.

Kenny: I'll go get one of the kids.

Toni: No Ken don't go out there. What if she sees you or something. Please don't go!

Kenny: Tone calm down I want you to go sit in the closet and be quiet and pray. I'll be back I promise you that. *Kisses Toni*

Toni P.O.V
Jesus watch over us right now especially Ken. I know he's afraid but he won't let it really show. Please don't let anything happens to him.

Kenny P.O.V
I don't why I said I was going to get a laptop from one of the kids room. That was the dumbest idea ever. What if the damn thing not even charged? Anyway it's dark as fuck in this house. I went into each kids room and got all their electronics. As I was leaving out of Diezel's room I heard Peaches crazy ass talking to herself again but she was downstairs now.

Peaches: This house is too big it feels like I'm walking in circles. A house this big has to have secret rooms or something. This shit is ridiculous!

Kenny listens and hears Peaches walking down the stairs to the basement.

Kenny P.O.V
Now would be the perfect time to leave but Toni is all the way on the other side of the house. I'll just go get our cellphones off the counter instead.

Kenny puts the book bag of electronics down and walks down the stairs. He got the phones something to drink for him and Toni and was about to leave the kitchen. He turned and saw Peaches heading his way. He hid but saw that her shadow had her walking up the stairs. He got out of his hiding spot and prayed she didn't see the book bag with the electronics in them.  She walked right pass them and headed for the game room. Kenny quickly hurried up stairs got all the stuff and opened the room door.

Kenny: Babe it's me I'm back.

Toni: Thank God. Did you get everything we need?

Kenny: Yeah and a few snacks too.

Toni: You went downstairs and didn't leave?

Kenny: No I couldn't leave you up in here wondering. What if something happened to you I would never forgive myself. So let's see if we can get some help.

Toni: Our phones are about to die but the laptops aren't. Denim's laptop is 75% but he has a password on it.

Toni hits the hint button and the question is "What do you like"? Toni types in girls and it doesn't go through. Toni tries cars, sneakers, but nothing works.

Kenny: Try A$$.

Toni: Ken you've been playing with this serious moment for the longest will you please grow up.

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