No Resloution

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The tour was slowly approaching and Toni was slowly getting aggravated.

Toni: You know what Ken do whatever you want!

Kenny: That's all you want to do is argue. I don't have time for this shit!

Toni: You have time to go all over the country but can't even make a little family time before you leave!

Kenny: I tried Tone damn and I couldn't! Look my new assistant is on her way over here can you please loose the attitude.

Toni: Kenneth don't tell me what the fuck to do!

Kenny: Look if it would make you happy how about you come with me?

Toni: No family is the most important thing not work.

Kenny: This is how I provide for my family! *Walks off*
Everyone was eating lunch in the dining room when the doorbell rang. It was Kenny's new assistant.

Kenny: Everyone this is Selena.

Denim/ Dylan/Brandon/Diezel: *Whispers* Damn.

Selena: Hi everyone nice to meet you. I've heard so much about you especially you Mrs. Edmonds.

Toni: Oh wish I could say the same.

Kenny: Lets go to my office and talk about the finishing touches for the tour.

Toni P.O.V
Where the hell Ken get her from...train a!! I'm not insecure because I know where Ken's heart is but lust has nothing to do with that. All the boys were drooling over her and shit like she was something unseen. I can tell this girl has an agenda but she won't get to let it play out.
Selena: Mr. Edmonds here are all the cities in alphabetical order, the time of the flights for each show and the names of the hotels that you'll be staying at in each city.

Kenny: Thank you very much. I've never had an assistant so efficient before.

Selena: Well sir I am to please. I didn't spend all that time in school to just be average at my job.

Kenny: Well that's great to know.
Selena P.O.V
I don't know what the hell I walked into but Mr. Edmonds wife better chill. I was trying to be professional but I think I'll become a little petty. Their sons were already staring at me so I know their dad does the same.

Selena: Mr Edmonds is your family coming or is it just me, you and the band?

Kenny: Just me, you and the band as far as I know.

Selena: Okay. Well I like to do things ahead of time and I wanted to know how many rooms to book?

Kenny: Normally each time we book 8 suites.

Selena: Okay I'll make sure everything is in order. Have a good day.

Kenny: Let me walk you out.
Kenny P.O.V
I walked Selena out of my office and I see Toni and the kids had left the dining room. I walked Selena out and I must say damn she's fine as hell. She's like Toni without an attitude or pettiness.

Toni: *Cough* You see something you like?

Kenny: No I was making sure she got in her car and everything stop trying to start something.

Toni: Start something...we didn't even finish the situation from earlier.

Kenny: Tone can we just make love and spend time together before our schedules get hectic.

Toni: Nope I don't want you touching me.

Kenny: Look I did what you wanted me to do! I was able to flip somethings around so we could have time together! Now you want to act crazy! Fine do whatever you want in taking the kids out! KIDS GET DRESSED WE'RE GOING OUT!

Toni: Fine do what you please asshole!

Kenny: Why do you have to be so damn stubborn Tone? Let's go out as a family baby.

Toni: Family should always come first. You should had planned your tour around your family not your family around your tour.

Kenny walks off and grabs his shades. Toni goes into the kitchen. She hears the kids running down the stairs and close the front door. The kids get in the truck and Kenny pulls of.

Jr.: Daddy where's mommy?

Kenny: She decided to stay home little man.

7 hours Later...
Denim: Mom were home!

Toni: Did you guys have fun?

Jr.: Yes mommy!

Peyton:Mommy next time you should come!

Toni gave everyone hugs and kisses except Kenny. She walked away rolling her eyes as she went into the kitchen.

Kenny: Kids I want y'all to get your stuff together and go stay at one of the other houses tonight.

Kids: Okay *Runs Off*

2 Hours Later.....
Kenny: Tone we need to talk.

Toni: No we don't Kenneth everything that needs to be said has.

Kenny: Uhh Toni I'm so sorry. You're right I should had focused on family first.

Toni: Apology accepted. But I'm still mad at you.

Kenny: Huh this is the time when we start getting freaky.

Toni: Nope this is the time you go to one of the guest rooms and make yourself cozy.

Kenny: .....

Toni: Goodnight don't let the bed bugs bite.

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