The Big Showdown

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Kenny, Toni and the kids have been in Atlanta for a month now and everybody likes it.

Toni P.O.V
I was in the Kenny's closet putting a couple of his shirts up when I noticed this box tucked away. At first I wasn't going to open it because it might be a gift for me. The problem was the box was so high up. I went down stairs and got the step ladder then went and got the box down. I open the box and I couldn't believe what I saw. I know Kenny didn't bring a gun in this house and on top of that he didn't even tell me!


Kenny:*Peeks in* Yes my beautiful, loving, caring, understanding wife.

Toni: What is this and why is it in the house?

Kenny: Baby it's a gun and it's for protection.

Toni: Well if you're going to have it we need to have a safe.

Kenny: Okay lets go get one.

Toni: Lets go after we drop the kids off at Trina's.

3 Hours Later...
Toni: You can never say I don't let you have your way.

Kenny: What? There's so many things that I want but I don't bring them up because I know the answer.

Toni: Like?

Kenny: That house in Dubai, another Maserati, the Seiler piano.....

Toni: Ken when are you going to live in Dubai. You already have a Maserati you don't need that much speed. And that piano was almost 100,000.

Ken: The way I see it the house can be a vacation home. While we're on vacation we can have family time and sing alongs with the piano. Then when we're done we can ride around in the Maserati.

Toni: You always have an answer for everything. *Rolls Eyes*

Kenny: Well I'll be back Monica wants me to produce a couple of songs for her.

Toni: See I told you that you could pick up right where you left off.

Kenny: Yeah but I miss my studio. *Kisses Toni*

Toni P.O.V
All this moving and packing really has me tired. I haven't had a moment to myself for this entire month and now the house is completely quiet. I'm going to take the most amazing nap known to man.

1 Hour Later...
Kenny: Wake up Mrs. Edmonds.

Toni: No. Just a couple more minutes.

Kenny: Fine but you won't get your gift then.

Toni: Gift! I'm up! I'm up! Where's my gift?

Toni looks up and Kenny is standing in front of her with a pair of boxer briefs on.

Toni: Really Ken. *Smirking*

Kenny: What? I really do have a gift for you but you got to work for it.

Toni: Well then lets get busy.

2 Hours Later......
Toni: That was great. *Breathing heavy*

Kenny: Yeah but that's not enough. *Smirking*

Toni: Ken you're such a freak!

4 Hours Later......
Kenny: Now that was amazing! *Laughing*

Toni: I'm so tired now. I want my gift after I wake up.

Kenny: I see I did my job.

Toni: Hush Ken! *Laughing*

The Next Day...
Toni: Where's my gift?!

Kenny: So you're just going to ignore the fact that you slept for damn near 8 hours.

Toni: Anyway where is it?

Kenny: Right here. *Hands envelope*

Toni: Hold up! Hold the fuck you! I know last night was a "Let's Do It" type night!

Kenny: Toni just open the envelope and stop being extra.

Toni: Ken you brought me an island!

Kenny: Yep.

Toni: Aww Ken thank you so much.

Kenny: Now in 2 weeks we are going there. Just me and you.

Toni: Okay I'm going to Tamar's house for sister time.

Kenny: Okay have fun.

Kenny P.O.V
I was sitting in the house playing my guitar when I heard a sound. At first I didn't pay any mind to it. But then I heard the sound again and I heard it come from downstairs. I knew it wasn't Toni or the kids so I started to panic. I ran to the room loaded the gun and put it in my pants. I stood at the top of the stairs waiting for whatever it was to appear. I got tired of waiting so I dropped an empty box down the stairs and hid. I was about to come out of my hiding place when I saw the intruder. It was no other than Peaches crazy ass. Peaches looked at the box then slowly began to walk up the stairs.

Peaches: Babyface I know you're in here! I saw Toni leave now come out. Stop being a punk and stand your ground like a man.

Kenny P.O.V
This girl must think I'm crazy. I see that big ass gun she has plus I know she's shooting to kill. But I'm tired of living in fear and running so I guess this is the big showdown. I decided to come out of my hiding place.

Kenny: Peaches I'm sorry.

Peaches: No you're not I'm going to make you sorry.

Peaches pulled out her gun and shot Kenny in the thigh, right shoulder and head. Then Kenny pulled out his gun and pulled the trigger 4 times. Then he passed out.

Toni P.O.V
I walked in the house and Kenny didn't answer me. I yelled his name almost 100 times. Then I walked upstairs and saw my baby laid on the floor in a pool of his blood. A little bit down the hallway I saw Peaches on the floor. I immediately ran downstairs and called 911.

2 Hours Later......
Toni P.O.V
I called the family and they came to the hospital. I had never seen Brandon and Dylan cry before and it broke my heart even more. We've been sitting in here and in starting to get very worried. I know they rushed him into surgery. I just pray he pulls through.

Doctor: Mrs. Edmonds?

Toni: Yes!

Doctor: He's in ICU. He's stable but he's in a coma. The bullet to the head hit nothing major but we won't know about his motor skills until he wakes up.

Toni: How long will that be?

Doctor: Ma'am I have no idea. He can wake up right now or 5 years from now. You and your family can go see him but only 2 at a time.

Toni P.O.V
Everybody went in and saw Ken. The kids were really lost when they came out of the room. I decided to go in last by myself. He had all these tubes and machines running from him. I couldn't do anything but cry.

2 Months Later...
These last 2 months has been very hard. I've been going to the hospital everyday staying as long as I can. I've been singing and talking to him hoping and praying he wakes up.

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