Chapter 1

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"Miss Jauregui, are you really sleeping in front of me?!"

"N-no, I was just thinking, p-professor." I said with a shy voice, lifting my head up from my desk.

"Sure you were. Like I was saying, this spell is rather difficult to do especially when..."

I was totally sleeping. I knew that I needed to pay attention in class, but I just couldn't. I was missing my bed... My parents and I were so happy when I finally got my letter, 5 years ago, but now I felt like this school was trying to kill me every freaking day.

"That's it for today. Please remember to practice because I'll evaluate all of you next Monday!" Mr. Helbert said.

Everyone started packing there things and were running out of the room. I was in front of the door when I heard Mr. Helbert talk to me.

"Miss Jauregui, can I have a word with you please."

I slowly turned and walked to his desk without saying anything.

"Listen Lauren, you know that you are one of my favorite students and I know that you need to train a lot in order to keep your place of goalkeeper in the Quidditch team, but you can't keep going like this, you're failing."

"Wow, thanks for the honesty!" I said, smiling.

"This is not funny, not at all. If you don't make any effort, I'll have to kick you out of the team." He said with a straight face.

I put my bag down, crossed my arms and looked at him with an amused face. "Oh really? I'm the best player of the team and anyway, you don't have any other good goalkeeper." I slowly said, looking at him right in his eyes. "You know that Ravenclaw is now in front of the others because of me."

"I always liked your confidence, young lady, but you know what your parents think about all of this." Mr. Helbert said while looking at his notes.

Indeed, my parents have a lot of influence here because they are both working for the Ministry of magic. Sometimes, I hated it...

"I also need to say that I know that you are a pretty good player, but we have other options." He said standing up and cleaning the board behind him.

"What do you mean by other options, sir?" I quickly said.

"Well, I was taking care of a new student coming from Beauxbatons Academy and apparently, she was their little star!" Mr. Helbert said with a big smile on his face. "I was supposed to introduce her today, but she is a little bit late."

"Oh really?" I said with an arrogant tone. "I would like to see that."

"Actually..." Mr. Helbert started but my attention was cut off by a small knock at the door.

"I'm sorry." He said as he headed to the door.

I was trying to see who was on the other side, but I was not able to see anything because Mr. Helbert was basically blocking everything.

"Yeah sure, you can come in! I was just done with a student." He said to the person who knocked on the door. "Miss Jauregui, this is miss Cabello, our new student!"

The Quidditch team (5H fanfic/Camren)Where stories live. Discover now