Chapter 3

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I finally arrived to the locker room, hardly tired. I'm always the one winning every race against Dinah. She was not even close to me since we left our room. In fact, I'm rather fit! I used to exercice a lot when I was at home. Actually, Quidditch is a sport where a good physical shape is necessary, surprisingly...

"Hey captain!" I heard a girl's voice behind me."Wow, you look horrible!"

I turned to see a blond-haired girl moving towards to me.

"Thank you beautiful." I said, smiling at her. "Never as much as you!"

Aria Smith, our famous seeker. We met three years ago, when she decided to join the Quidditch team. She used to have that huge crush on me before she was even playing for Ravenclaw. We had a "thing", but it was a long time ago and we're pretty good friends now! I like the relationship that we have.

"Yeah right." Aria said. "It's raining outside, are we still playing?"

I laughed and turned towards the other players who were all sitting on the bench, near the wall at the back of the locker room.

"Are you afraid of melting guys?"

"I knew that you would say something like that!" Tristan, one of our beaters, said.

"Only if you are close to me, otherwise that should be fine." Aria said with a smirk on her face.

We all heard loud sounds of footsteps in the corridor and everybody looked at the door.

"You cheater! It's not fair!" Dinah said out of breath by entering the room.

"Hansen, you're late and you're making me and all of them wait for you." I said with a straight face as I pointed my teammates.

"Oh shut up!" Dinah said as she was trying to get her breath back to normal.

"Alright guys, thanks to be there, even though some of you were incredibly late..."

"I said shut up!" My best friend quickly said.

"Just try to not break one of your arms or something please, we're taking it easy today. The rain should not be that distracting... Don't forget your glasses!"

Dinah and I quickly changed and we joined the others who were already on the field.


"What the hell Aria?!" Dinah screamed at my other teammate as I landed on the ground as fast as I was able to. "Are you freaking kidding me, why did you do that?! You could have killed yourself!"

"Calm down DJ, that's not helping anything." I said to her.

"She's right." Tristan said. "Did you see how she crashed into that column? She's lucky to have landed on the grass instead of wood."

"I'm fine guys!" Aria said, trying to get up by using her arms. "Ouch, shit!" She screamed, falling back on her butt.

"No, you're not. Let me help you." I headed towards her and took her in my arms. "I'm taking her to the infirmary."

"Let me come with you!" Dinah said following me.

"No, I need someone to take all my stuff... Here, take my broomstick. I'll be faster that way. Can you do that?" I said, looking at her.

"Yeah sure." My friend said while she took my broomstick and ran to the locker room.

I was now entering the school and I was able to see that Aria was in pain.

"The golden snitch was just at my fingertips, I just badly estimated my distances." Aria slowly said, making strange expressions with her face.

"Right." I said in front of the infirmary.

The Quidditch team (5H fanfic/Camren)Where stories live. Discover now