Chapter 6

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I could feel that something was wrong... When we arrived at the front doors, there were a lot of people, all dressed in black, waiting for us. They were not saying anything and they all had a face without any expression. They asked us to make a line. When I was about to enter the school, a man stopped me with his arms and blocked my way. "Your bag." He said, holding out his hand.

"Why?" I asked. "Do I look like I want to blow up the..." He put his hand on my shoulder and brutally took my bag off my back. "Woah, I was kidding, you don't need to be..."

"Next!" He yelled, making me jump.

When all the school bags were checked, we quickly headed towards the great hall. The corridors were way too quiet for a Monday afternoon... When we arrived, the big room was already full of students and every professors were there, talking to each other. There were a lot of confused faces and everyone was talking pretty loudly. We all took our seats and I saw that Aria was already there. She had bandages pretty much all over her body and some crutches were near her seat. Okay, maybe I exaggerated a bit, but she didn't look in shape at all.

"Hey." I said as she turned to look at me. "What is going on?"

She smiled and moved her crutches so I could sit next to her. "I don't know, nobody knows. I wanted to talk to Mr. Helbert, but I can't find him." She said, looking behind me.

"Oh hm Aria, you already know Camila, right?." I said.

Camila shyly smiled and sat next to me. "Hi, we met a few days ago, I don't know if you remember." She said, looking at Aria.

"Of course I remember." Aria responded, winking at her. This girl always needed to be all flirty with every cute girls and let's be honnest, Camila didn't get the number one for nothing...

"May I have your attention please." Everyone turned forward where the director was now standing. Professor Dumbledore was, in my opinion, the greatest wizard... He used to be smiling, but he didn't seem happy this time, he looked worried. "I would like to apologize to every teachers for interrupting them during their classes." He said as everybody was now completely quiet. "I'll be brief this time and I'm not going to lie to you..." Dumbledore continued. "A lot of books from the restricted section of the library were stolen last night. The storeroom that is located in the Tapestry Corridor, where Professor Snape stores his private potions and ingredients, was also robbed. We don't know who did it, but he easily broke our defensive spells that I personally did a few years ago, especially in the library." He stopped a few seconds before continuing. "Professor Helbert, who is teaching "Defense against the dark arts" to some of you, was patrolling the first floor of the school last night, but nobody is able to find him and we are currently looking for him."

"What the hell, Mr. helbert disappeared?!" Aria said.

"He's not done." I whispered to her.

"Those stolen ingredients are extremely dangerous and must be handled with great care... If you know anything about all of this, please notify one of your professors." Dumbledore continued. "These charming gentlemen from the Ministry of magic, that you already saw in the castle, are currently searching the school because they think that this person or those people are still here, even if I told them the opposite... Most of the stolen books may represent a threath for the Ministry and for each and every one of you. Until the searches are completed, I want all students to go in their own dormitories and stay there. The classes and activities are canceled for today. Supervisors, please escort your students peacefully. I want all teachers in front."

"Ravenclaw, this way!" I heard someone yelled.

"Why are they making such a big story for some stupid books?" Aria groaned as she tried to stand up.

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