Chapter 16

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"Are you fucking serious?!" I yelled, standing up from my chair. "We?! She didn't do anything!"

"Miss Jauregui, I want you to sit down and to calm yourself." Snape calmly said, his two hands on his desk.

Well, that day was filled with emotions. Like, everyone really wanted me to be angry?

"No, no, no, you didn't understand." I continued, forming a fake smile, still standing in front of him. "I'm just going to say it again alright. She. Didn't. Do. Anything! You were there, for God's sake! How can she be expelled?!"

"Unfortunately, I can't send you home immediately, without the consent of the director." The teacher continued, without paying attention to my comments.

I seriously didn't know how he was doing this, but his face remained expressionless. I think I've never seen him laughing or even smiling. Everyone was saying that Severus Snape was on the "bad" side, well the "wrong" side, but no one was able to prove it. Good side or not, I've always hated him and I knew it was mutual.

When I was about to open my mouth again, the door, that was closed, suddenly opened.

"Of course." Snape mumbled, slowly standing up from his chair. "Can I help you with something, Professor Helbert?" The man asked, arrogantly. He was now looking in the direction of the one who had just entered in his office.

Mr. Helbert was now standing a few meters away from me and didn't seem to be really happy. He gave me a stern look and returned his gaze to his colleague.

"I'll take care of miss Jauregui." He simply said, looking at me.

I don't really like being defended because I have always been able to do it by myself, but I was glad to see my former coach. I had nothing to care about what the guy who was teaching me Potions was saying, I just wanted to run towards the infirmary.

"She's expelled, Adam. Her behavior is unacceptable." Professor Snape said as I was about to turn around and leave with Mr. Helbert.

"Who decided that?" He slowly laughed, beckoning me to approach him. "You, Severus?" Mr. Helbert added, putting emphasis on the name of his colleague.

Snape stayed still, staring at my former coach with his dead look. "Professor Dumbledore will be obligated to..." He started before Adam raised his hand.

"You are responsable of Slytherin, I am responsible of Ravenclaw, even if the director is away. It's not your job to berate my students." Mr. Helbert continued, without avoiding Snape's gaze. "Come on, Lauren, you spent enough time in this dreadful office."

He didn't need to say this sentence again. I headed towards the exit without looking behind me. Mr. Helbert immediately followed me and, even if I really wanted to start running, I knew that I needed to talk to him. Just... Not right now!

"Setting a freaking fire on the field, really?!" I heard him say as I was still walking pretty fast in the corridor. "Why am I not surprised..." He mumbled and I couldn't help but smile at his comment.

I didn't stop, not even to take time to breathe. I felt a bunch of different emotions ; anger, a lot of anger, a little bit of fear and much concern.

After I finally arrived in front of the infirmary's door, I stopped and I turned around. I saw my teacher quickly turned the corner of the corridor. He stopped in front of me and put his two hands on his knees.

"You're fast." He said, after taking a deep breath. "I don't want to bother you more alright. Anyway, I know your head is somewhere else."

I tried to open the door, but he placed a hand on my shoulder. "But you'll hear about this again, trust me." Mr. Helbert added, removing his hand.

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