Chapter 20

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I woke up on a really brutal way, by really loud noises. First, I thought that I was dreaming, but then the sounds became more and more strong until I heard someone screamed.

"What the hell..?" I whispered, raising my head to look by my side if Camila was still there. Indeed she was, but she wasn't awake yet.

People were running downstairs, I was able to hear their footsteps on the floor. I also heard the sound of something being broken and I instinctively got up from my bed.

"Lauren..?" Camila mumbled, slowly turning on her side.

I was about to open the door when it suddenly opened in my face and made me raise my fists in the air.

"Calm down, it's me." My dad quickly said to make sure that I wasn't going to punch him. "We're leaving." He added as he entered the room and started to put everything that was on the desk in the school bag that I had placed at the end of my bed.

He saw that Camila was in my room instead of Marisa and that the brunette was pretty much sleeping with me, but he didn't say anything. It seemed to be the last of his worries. When she saw that my dad was in the room, she froze, but frowned when she realized that he was packing our things.

"What?" I asked, not understanding what was happening.

"We're leaving right now." He repeated. "We have about eight or nine minutes until they come back." He said, still throwing everything that he could see in the school bag. "Put that on." He added as he gave me a pair of jeans and my black sweater.

"Dad, what are you talking about?" I asked, giving Camila another pair of jeans.

"Matt and Peter came back this morning." He tried to explain in a rush. "They were not careful enough and they found us."

"What the fuck did we all do to deserve this shit?!" I said after a brief moment of silence, placing my hands behind my neck and looking at Camila packing her things.

We took not even thirty seconds to pack our things and we were running to reach the backyard. The house looked like a huge mess, but I didn't have the time to look around because my father was literally pushing my back.

Everyone was already there. They all looked scared, especially Ally, who seemed to be crying.

"Where is Matt?" My dad asked, looking at a new face, which I assumed to be Peter.

He slowly lowered his head and everybody just stared at my dad, who was now also imitating the gesture.

"What the bloody hell is happening?!" Marisa said, looking really mad.

"This is a portkey, it's going to bring us somewhere else alright." Adam quickly said, showing a big purple ring to everyone. "Stay together." He added as he took Normani's and Aria's hands in his.

We all did the same thing and I felt Camila's hand shaking in mine. Adam counted to three and it happened so fast. I felt like my head was about to leave my body, but it only lasted a few seconds.

I fell on my back when I felt something solid under my feet. Why? I don't know, I couldn't stand on them. Actually, pretty much everyone, except my parents, Elizabeth and the new guy, was somewhere on the floor, a floor that I quickly recognized.

I immediately stood up on my feet to see if I was really where I thought I was and, indeed, we were. We were inside of my house, in the vestibule.

As soon as we arrived, Adam and my father quickly left towards the front door, leaving a lot of people confused. "We'll be back." Adam said, closing the door after him.

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