Chapter 38

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As soon as my body passed the door, I immediately stopped walking. I got so confused by who was standing a few feet away from me.

"You're here." Camila jumped on me and hugged me as tight as she could.

Her body touching mine was everything but unreal. It took me a second to process and I wasn't even sure I hugged her back.

She was wearing the same clothes as me, nothing she would usually wear, obviously. I looked around to see if someone else was here, but no, we were alone.

"What are you doing here?" I quickly asked as she strangely smiled at me.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing, baby." Camila answered. "You know I don't miss a week." She placed her hand on my cheek and leaned in to kiss me, but I removed my head at the last second.

I frowned at her words and looked around again. I took a few steps back.

"Lauren, why are you being so weird? We talked about this." Camila came closer to me. "We're both here anyway, you know I couldn't forget you."

I couldn't stop staring at her. She seemed so real, but what was happening made no sense at all.

"Get the fuck out of my head!" I angrily yelled as I turned around and started to walk in the direction I arrived.

However, I stopped because the door wasn't there anymore. I turned back around and Camila wasn't either.

"Miss Jauregui." I heard a masculine voice. "Why do you have to make things more complicated than they should."

I was tired of looking around like an idiot and not finding anything. I didn't have to, this time. An entire white wall became crystal clear, exactly like a window, and I wasn't surprised to see the man behind all of this shit on the other side.

"I said, get out of my head." I clenched my fists and stared right at him.

"You may proceed to your classifications now, miss Jauregui." He ignored my words. "Even though I already know many things, it's the usual procedure."

"You're sick." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear me.

"Let's start by an easy one for you, should we!" He smirked and turned around.

I didn't have the time to think about what he meant by that. Two guys came out from I don't know where. I was seriously preparing myself for some physical actions, but they stayed a few feet away from me and slowly asked me to come with them.

I followed, obviously. One leading the way and the other one behind me, we walked in a corridor that brought us outside. I was expecting rain and some heavy weather, but no.

I was standing on a enormous Quidditch field. How was it even possible? I didn't know. I wasn't surprised by all the things this man could do.

"The weather isn't a problem here, as you can see!" Mikaelson made me jump as I realized he was standing next to me. "My people have been working pretty hard to make a realistic field like this one."

Listen, I'm not an agressive person. However, him standing so close to me made me angry. I didn't really think and tried to jump on him, but I passed through him and ended up on the ground.

"They also worked on great holograms!" The man laughed, looking at me quickly standing up on my feet.

"What the hell do you want from me?" I asked before I realized that the two men leading me here were gone.

"What you're good at, miss Jauregui." The man kept smirking. "Let me introduce you to the most talented Quidditch players of these days."

I heard the sound of a sealed door being opened. I turned around and saw a mix of six teenagers and young adults walking in line like soldiers. They all had broomsticks with them and jumped on them as soon as they could.

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