Chapter 21

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I was pretty annoyed of always waking up at some unknown places and I guess that I was kind of used to it by now! This time, I wasn't on a fancy bed or in a completely new house... When I opened my eyes, it was dark and when I tried to move, I realized that my feet and my hands were tied up.

"Lauren, can you hear me?" I heard Dinah's voice. However, I knew that it was her voice, but it sounded like she was talking into a speaker.

I tried to move my arms once again, but, even if I was really trying my best, there was nothing to do.

"Lauren, I can see that your pulse is increasing. I need you to stay calm, don't be scared." Dinah spoke again.

"What the hell did you do to me?!" I yelled.

Right after the words left my mouth, I heard a quick noise and some white lights showed me the place where I was. I'd be lying if I say that I wasn't afraid when I saw what I was surrounded by. I was in a huge metal box which I assumed was a kind of machine because of the many tactil screens all around me. Indeed, my head, my ankles and my wrists were tied up with some metal strips and it was impossible for me to move.

"You are in the TST, The Skills Tester, and I'm going to explain what you need to do." Dinah said.

"Fuck off." I responded, trying to find where the voice was coming from.

"We are going to make you breathe a red gas that is going to make you fall asleep right away. It'll make you hallucinate a single situation by searching in your memories. You must do what you think is right, understood?" Dinah's voice explained.

I was about to answer, but the bright red substance was already filling the small space. I had no choice, I had to breathe it. Once again, I slowly closed my eyes.


"Lauren, are you even listening to what I'm trying to explain to you?" Camila said, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"She's in her own little world again, you can forget about it, girl, she didn't understand!" Dinah said before slightly laughing. "Alright, let's do number four, I think we'll be good." Dinah added, clapping in her hands.

I looked around and realized that we were back at Hogwarts, on the field at the back of the castle. Everyone, the students and the teachers, was all looking at us, clapping in their hands and laughing with everybody.

"Jauregui, you're the captain, for God's sake, say something! Do you agree?" Tristan said and every players from my team turned their heads in my direction.

"She agrees!" Dinah said when she saw that I wasn't answering. "We can do this, guys! Let's show them!" The taller girl added before jumping on her broomstick and leaving the ground.

"Baby, are you alright?" Camila asked when everyone was already in the air.

I wasn't able to understand what was happening and I was so confused by this. I felt Camila's hand taking mine. "It's six to six, we need to win this game and we need you to be completely here." The brunette smiled. "Plus, you don't want to disappoint your parents, right?"

"My parents?" I mumbled before Camila pointed at the bleachers and showed me my mother and my father waving in my direction with huge smiles on their faces.

"Stop being silly, it's not the right moment." Camila laughed, placing her broomstick between her legs.

When she was about to left, a huge lightning suddenly struck the bleachers and black shadows quickly appeared all over the field. It all happened so fast that I didn't had time to analyse anything. The bleachers, made in wood, set on fire and people started to scream and were trying to leave them. However, it was as if something was holding them, like a barrier. I saw them literally setting on fire, screaming and panicking.

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