Chapter 10

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Last night was horrible. It's interesting to see how quickly everything can change... Camila didn't say a word to me even when she came in our room to sleep. I was feeling something strong for her, something good that I wasn't able to hide anymore, but it was way too good to be true. Something or someone had to screw everything up. I knew what I wanted and I was going to fight for it.

"Hey, keeper!" I heard someone said as I was walking in the hallway by myself.

I stopped and saw Marisa walking towards me. "Oh, hey Marisa." I responded, forcing a smile.

She was wearing her same blue outfit and had the same bright smile in her face. Only this time, she had her hair down and wasn't wearing her hat. "Have you seen Mila, I need to talk to her." She asked, stopping in front of me.

Of course it was about Camila... "Same here." I mumbled.

"What?" She asked, giving me a confused look.

"Hm no, we don't have the same schedule today, well except for the last course..." I started before I heard someone yelled behind me.

"Marisa!" The familiar and annoying voice shouted.

Marisa rolled her eyes and started to walk in the opposite direction. She took my arm and dragged me with her. "Please, bring me somewhere where I can breathe!" She said and I thought that was pretty funny, but I didn't laugh because I was not really sure if she was joking or not. Maybe not!

We started to walk towards the library. I didn't know why the library, maybe because I was pretty sure that Camila was there if she was not in class.

"You were going to do something, or..?" The brunette asked when we were in the stairs.

"Nah, it's fine." I responded. "Problems with the girlfriend?"

Marisa rubbed her neck and I was able to see that she was searching for her words. "I don't really know actually." She slowly answered. "She's always like that."

"I don't want to be mean or something, but she's yelling at you just like someone yells at a dog." I said after arriving at the top. "That's not really respectful, in my opinion."

"Yeah, I know..."

We arrived at the library and many students were there reading, studying or doing homework. We walked a bit and I saw something impossible! The one and only Dinah Jane Hansen was in the library, searching for books?!

"Dinah?" I asked maybe a bit too loud.

"Hey." She started but her facial expression changed when she saw mine. "What's wrong, why are you looking at me like this?"

"No nothing, I'm just really surprised!" I said, laughing.

"Don't get any ideas, I'm with Mila." The taller girl quickly responded. "Oh and you received a letter this morning. You weren't here when the mail arrived. I have it in my bag, I'll give it to you later." Dinah said.

"Yeah, I was tired. I still am" I mumbled. Of course I was tired, I wasn't able to stop thinking. "Hm Dinah, this is Marisa, she's..." I started before she cut me off.

"I know, hi." DJ said. "You two are looking for Mila, I guess?"

"Hey!" Marisa responded joyfully. "I am! I wanted to give her something all day, but I wasn't able to find her, this castle is huge!"

"Ladies, please!" The old woman, who was working at the library since like a century, said.

"Let's go, we have a table right there." Dinah whispered.

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