Chapter 24

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"Lauren. Freaking. Jauregui!" I heard someone yelled as I was walking in the common living room to reach my parents' apartment.

I had a terrible sleep, but I was obviously excepting it! I didn't even see Camila when I went to bed. She wasn't in our room when I fell asleep and she wasn't there when I woke up either.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" I heard the same voice and now I was able to recognize that it was Marisa.

"Great..." I mumbled to myself when I turned around and saw her walking towards me.

"Marisa, hey. What..." I was about to say.

"Stop." She cut me off, raising her hand in the air. "Now, you're going to explain why the fuck my best friend has been crying like that the entire morning?!" She said, looking really confused.

Adam said that it was going to happen because the others didn't know a thing about this. I couldn't talk to them either, well that's what they wanted! I was so damn tired of lying, of all of this, but I started and the worst part was already done.

"Listen, I just want to drop this for my parents." I said, showing the paper that Adam wanted me to give them. I was surprised that she didn't know that Camila was being transfered.

Marisa glared at me for a few seconds before speaking again. "Are you serious right now?"

I didn't respond, I only turned around and walked away because I wasn't able to at least try to say something. I was honestly feeling like a piece of shit and I couldn't handle it.

"I thought you were different!" Marisa loudly said from behind me as I was walking away.


"What the fuck did you do?!" Dinah asked me as I was just leaving Adam's classroom.

My best friend was waiting for me outside of the class because we simply didn't want to be alone in the castle. We weren't scared, well not really I guess, but it was better this way.

"How many people are going to ask me that question." I rolled my eyes as I put my bag on my shoulder.

"This is not what I wanted to hear!" Dinah said, following me in the hallway. "You know that you can talk to me, right?"

"Yes, I know, thanks." I responded with a straight tone.

"Hey!" She loudly said as she took my arm to stop me from walking. "I'm on your side, stop hiding things to me. I know that there's something wrong with you, I can see it so don't give me your bullshit speech and tell me that everything's fine."

"Is there something wrong, miss Hansen?" A masculine voice said.

We both turned and saw Snape standing behind us with his usual annoying expression.

"No, sir." Dinah quickly responded.

"Good." He said, staring at me."Don't you girls need to be somewhere else?" He added.

I took Dinah's hand and dragged her with me in the hallway. I just really wanted to see something else than his face.

"It's been like what... A couple of years and he still freaks me out." Dinah mumbled.

We were now in front of the library and, as we were walking in front of it, we both saw Camila sitting at a table, reading something by herself.

"I know that someone asked you to leave her." Dinah said.

I was now a few meters in front of her and her comment made me stop and turned around to face her. "Dinah, drop it, alright." I said.

"It's not even my problem, Lauren, it's yours and I'm just trying to help you. If you want me to drop it, sure! But you don't need to turn your back on me." My best friend responded.

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