Chapter 32

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Camila and I stayed in the Perfect's Bathroom about an hour. The final goal was still to take a bath, so that's what we did after. Maybe I also needed water to cool me off a bit.

"You know, Marisa warned me like three times about you being a pervert." I said, standing up to take a towel near the tub. "Even when you were there, remember?"

"Of course she did." My girlfriend smirked, following me to get a towel as well.

"Did you talk to her? Knowing Marisa, she's probably worrying about you and freaking out somewhere in a corner." I asked before I turned around, wrapping my arms around her waist from behind and placing my head on her shoulder.

"I didn't, but I will as soon as you'll let me go." The younger brunette responded, making me smile and hide my face in the crook of her neck.

I tightened my arms around her smaller body and approached my mouth to her ear. "Then she better get used to be worried." I whispered before kissing the side of her head.

"You're smooth, I'm going to give you that one!" Camila cheerfully said, placing her hands on top of mine.

"When you said not today..." I started, but she quickly removed my hands from her stomach.

"Put your uniform back!" She giggled before I rolled my eyes and picked up my clothes from the ground.

"You're done being horny now?! We just started!" I joked, looking at her putting her pants and t-shirt back on.

"You can't handle horny me, everybody knows that." She smiled, waiting for me to put my shoes on.

I could talk about me not being able to handle horny Camila for hours. Actually, I couldn't even deal with cute Camila or even goofy and clumsy Camila. Of course, I never said that to her.

"So mhm..." I started, her head turning in my direction as she took a few steps towards me. "I guess that your fingers are completely healed now." I smirked.

The smaller brunette immediately slapped my arm before traveling down her fingers on it to take my hand in hers. "Wow, always so romantic." She rolled her eyes and I shortly laughed at her reaction.

"What about us taking a walk outside, around the castle?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Better." Camila said, squeezing my hand in hers as we both started to walk towards the door.

That's what we did. The weather was perfect for us to walk around a little bit. Even though it rains a lot usually here, this time of the year isn't that bad... We talked about so many different things, normal things, nothing related to the situation we were both in. She was worrying a lot about her exams that were coming up in two weeks, but she was still happy to be able to do them here. The school was pretty much over and I wanted to talk about this summer.

"Camz?" I asked after letting her finish her rambling about her love for Cuban food.

"Mhm?" She mumbled, letting go of my hand to tie her hair in a ponytail.

"Since we just talked about the end of this year, maybe, I don't know, we could talk about this summer?" I said, observing the beautiful brunette's features as I kept walking by her side.

"I thought about that too." My girlfriend responded. "But I can't think too much about it because I don't even know if I'm going back to my parents' house this summer." She added, honestly.

"You're right." I simply said, smiling at her.

We both sat next to a tree, my back pressed on the trunk and Camila sitting between my legs. I missed these close moments with her, just her.

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