Chapter 28

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I slept really well that night and I was happy to have Camila close to me. I missed her, so damn much, and her presence was reassuring me in every way.

Camila didn't really want to go back in her own room in order to change, but she said that her parents were obviously going to notice if she was wearing someone else's clothes. Anyway, we were only leaving in the afternoon, so we had time to eat together and she had time to do whatever she needed to do! We left before Adam could see us, making sure not to drag attention on us.

Their cafeteria, if I can call it that way, is a masterpiece itself. I was really impressed by the chandeliers and the paintings of many powerful women all over the walls. It was majestic. However, the real masterpiece here was now eating french toasts and drinking orange juice.

"You look absolutely gorgeous." I said, out of nowhere.

"Hm, thank you?" Camila raised her head from her plate and looked at me with question marks in her eyes.

"Don't you believe me?" I chuckled, raising my eyebrows at her funny reaction.

The brunette shyly smiled and put her glass down. "I do, it's just that I wasn't excepting such a compliment when I'm trying to eat properly without fighting with my food." She responded.

I continued to laugh until I saw a familiar face walking in our direction. I stopped laughing, thinking about what I was going to deal with in a second.

Camila, seeing that I was looking behind her, turned her head. "Hey, Risa." She gently said as her best friend took a place next to her.

"Here it is!" Marida loudly said, making me frowned in confusion. "Your smile is among us again!" She added, not paying attention to me.

"Maybe." Camila shyly responded.

"I tried everything to put that smile back on this charming and gorgeous face!" Marisa continued. "I'm a bit offended that I couldn't succeed." She said, turning her head to look at me.

"Hey." I politely said with an hesitant tone.

Camila started to laugh and I looked at her with a confused expression.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked.

"She's probably laughing because you look terrified right now." Marisa giggled. "I'm not going to jump in your face, relax, captain."

"I'm not terrified." I mumbled, but Camila laughed even more and that made me giggle too.

"Honestly though, I'm sorry for over-reacting, alright." Marisa said, looking more serious. "Mila told me a bit of what happened and, thinking about it, I would have done the exact same thing."

I smiled at her words. Not having to deal with an angry Marisa was seriously making my day.

"Thank you for saying that, I feel a bit better!" I said, honestly.

"Maybe I shouldn't ask, but hm you were with her last night?" The brown-eyed girl asked. "I mean, the last thing you told me was; I'll be right back." She added, doing quotation marks with her fingers.

"It was getting late and..." Camila tried to answer, but couldn't finish her sentence.

"Please, I don't want the details, I was just worrying about you." Marisa quickly said, raising her hands in the air.

"Come on." I interjected with a smirk on my face. "Like you guys are not going to talk about it later when I'm not around." I chuckled.

We talked a good half an hour even if nobody was eating anymore. Marisa was really supportive and, even though she admitted that she was mad at me for hurting her best friend the way I did, she understood.

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