Chapter 36

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Lauren's point of view

Let me tell you something, I was blessed not to be claustrophobic. However, I felt like this canalization was getting smaller every minute.

Crawling was literally a complete workout. I was sweaty and already tired. The map was freaking difficult to understand and the inside was as complicated as a maze.

Sometimes, I was able to hear mumbles from the inside of the building, but the rain falling on the roof was preventing me to clearly understand.

Twenty five minutes had passed and I couldn't find the God damn main room. 

I sighed in frustration before looking at the map again, using my flashlight to see something.

Me not understand a map and instructions wasn't a first. It made me remember one great moment I had with Camila.


"Baby, I thought you said you were able to read a map?" Camila giggled, putting both of her hands on my shoulders from behind before squeezing them.

"I am." I said, concentrating on the instructions.

I kept frowning. "Care of magical creatures" has always been an awesome class and I was always learning crazy things, but the practical part was rather difficult. Well, difficult because we weren't sitting at a desk and taking notes. 

Camila and I needed to look for trails. The teacher gave us a map to make sure nobody was going to get lost somewhere in the woods. However, as I was thoroughly following the trails, I completely forgot to look around. The younger brunette was as excited as me to simply walk in the woods and didn't pay attention to where we were either.

"I swear I saw that tree before." I mumbled as my eyes traveled from the map to the environment around me.

"Let me look at it." Camila said, trying to take the piece of paper out of my hands.

"No, I got it." I quickly said, gently pushing her hands away. 

"Lauren." The other girl started to laugh. "You don't." She kept laughing as I rolled my eyes.

She didn't seem to be upset with all of this at all. I mean, I was a bit worried and, of course, only pretendig that I was handling the situation.

"I'm starting to get hungry." Camila said, following me as I started to walk away.

"It's not even lunch time." I said, still listening to her even if my attention was mostly on the map.

"There's no specific time to eat." She responded before I felt her arms wrapping around my torso.

"Babe, you're slowing us down." I said.

"Tell me you actually perfectly know where we were and you're pretending just to be able to spend some alone time with me." Camila said, her hands still around me. I couldn't see her, but it felt like she was trying to climb on my back.

I wasn't really able to walk anymore because of her being all over me so I stopped and turned around. "Would that impress you? You'd think it's cute, huh?" I asked, smirking.

She slowly nodded her head and placed her arms around my neck to give me a hug.

"You're such a baby." I giggled, hugging the smaller body against mine and putting the map in the back pocket of her uniform.

I looked at her a few seconds and couldn't help to smile. She noticed and smiled back at me, but quickly raised an eyebrow.

"I think the paper is in my pocket now, you can remove your hands from my butt." She winked at me.

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