Chapter 15

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I slowly sat up and looked at Camila with concern. I never told anyone about me going in Mr. Helbert's office. How could she know that? I suddenly thought about what my mother had written in her letter on some students involved in that crazy situation. Was that possible...?

"How do you know that?" I asked, slightly frowning.

Camila's smile dropped when she saw the way that I was looking at her. "Wait, what's wrong?" She asked, with a confused voice.

"You never saw who was on the other side of the door..." I started to mumble, standing up.

"Dinah told me before you woke up. She said that she saw you talking to him." Camila quickly said, imitating my movement.

"Oh." I responded, looking at Camila's facial expression without moving.

That entire situation with my parents and what was apparently happening to them was making me freaking paranoid. Because my mother wrote me to be careful, I started to be suspicious and that was completely ridiculous.

"Lauren, what's wrong?" Camila asked, worried. "You're kind of scaring me." She added, stepping closer to me.

I relaxed a bit after realizing that I was inventing stories. Was I really thinking that Camila was conspiring against me? What the hell was wrong with me?! I seriously needed a break.

"I'm sorry, I'm just really tired and I can't think straight." I said, taking back my place on the blanket. "We hm, I had questions and he helped me."

Camila glared at me with a suspicious look and sat next to me. "I need to write a note somewhere to make sure to never talk to you about a teacher during the weekend." She laughed and moved closer. "You know that I can help you if you have questions?"

"I know." I simply responded as she rested her head on my shoulder.

The rest of our night went pretty well. I was happy to have avoided the subject of Mr. Helbert because that was nerve wracking as hell. When I'm with her, I managed to forget everything... She gave me a single rose and asked me to clarify things between us. Well, she didn't really need to do that, but she asked me to be her girlfriend. That was the first time that this happened to me and even if I never thought to be a romantic, that was so damn cute. We couldn't stay too long because we had to be in a perfect shape for tomorrow and we had already exceeded the curfew. Oh and, if you were wondering, I couldn't even think of saying no.


"Where's Dinah?" Camila asked as we entered our room.

"I don't know what's happening with her lately, I guess that she's somewhere with Tristan." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Are they together now?" The younger brunette asked, undressing herself to put her pajamas on.

"DJ is hm, how can I say that..." I started, sitting on the edge of my bed. "She's an interesting human being! I don't really know, but she definitely has some sorts of feelings for him."

I removed my shoes and put my pajamas on. Camila was now laying on her back, her hands behind her head.

"Laur?" She slowly asked, staring at me.

"Camz?" I responded, looking and smiling at her.

"Give us a chance to win tomorrow and don't break my heart before the game." She said on her serious tone.

I left what I was doing and headed towards her. I leaned to kiss her forehead and her laugh made me smile from ear to ear. "Only if you promise not to break mine." I answered.

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