Chapter 18

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"Don't. She's still sleeping and weak, she lost a lot of blood."

"How is she still sleeping? That's not normal Clara, something's wrong. Adam said that he knew what he was doing."

"He knew. It's a matter of time."

There were those voices talking in my head. They seemed familiar to me, but they were too vague for me to distinguish them. I moved my fingers and realized that I was lying on something comfortable, like a couch or a bed. I suddenly opened my eyes after remembering what had happened in the duel room.

I wasn't in this room anymore, that was for sure. I wasn't in the infirmary either. Actually, I didn't know where I was and my heart skipped a beat when I heard a thud right next to me.

I jumped and got up very quickly on my elbows, it was instinctive. I frowned when I saw that someone was sitting on a chair a few meters away from me.

"Mom?" I slowly mumbled, looking at the woman on my right.

"Lauren, sweetie." She said, warmly smiling at me. "I'm glad you're awake."

I was more confused than ever. I instinctively put my hands on my stomach, remembering the pain that I felt earlier.

My mom stood up from her chair and sat next to my legs, on the bed. "Don't worry, you're okay now." She said, still smiling at me. "I'm sorry, your father deliberately slammed the door, he wants you to wake up." She chuckled.

"W-where are we?" I asked with a sleepy voice. "What happened?"

"We'll answer all your questions later darling, with everyone." Clara responded. "You must be hungry, you slept more than 24 hours."

"Really?!" I said, surprised by that statement.

My mother nodded her head and put her hand on mine. "Do you feel comfortable to walk? Many people are impatient to see you."

I didn't know where I was, why I was here with my parents that were supposed to be hiding somewhere, who was impatient to see me... Well, I didn't know anything and I was really confused about what happened with Tristan, but I simply nodded and I followed my mother out of the room where I was.

I was pretty sure that I was in a house. A small, but cozy house. I was walking slowly and when I got to the stairs, my mother had to help me going down.

I had no strength in me and I felt like my body was weak and tired, even though I had apparently slept for hours.

Down the stairs, I heard voices that I recognized and I frowned because I was still confused, but also surprised.

"Here she is." I heard when I entered the room that seemed to be the living room, with my mother.

Normani was sitting on a couch, a cup of coffee in her hands. To her left, Aria and Marisa both turned their heads when they heard her speak.

"Lauren, my baby!" I suddenly heard before feeling someone holding me in his arms. "I'm so happy to see you, you can't even understand."

I jumped a little bit after this sudden arrival, but I relaxed when I realized that I was in my father's arms.

"Let her breathe, Mike!" Someone screamed behind me. Adam was now in front of us, a smile on his face.

"Can somebody explain to me what's happening?" I quickly asked, smiling at my father when he finally let go of me.

I turned my head because I felt someone staring at me. Indeed, someone was.

"Tristan." I mumbled, taking two steps back and slightly hitting my father.

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