Chapter 27

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I was so ready and determined to talk to Camila! Well, until I arrived face to face with her... Let's say that my confidence dropped really quickly.

She wasn't moving and I was even wondering if she was breathing or not. "How..." She started as she was talking to herself. "W-what are you doing here?" She slowly managed to ask me.

"I needed to talk to you." I slowly said, looking straight into her eyes.

I saw the brunette's eyes looking behind me, probably at Marisa who was still standing a few meters away. She looked back at me and quickly took her broomstick from the ground. "Well, I don't want to talk to you."

Of course, it wasn't going to be that easy and of course she wouldn't want to talk to me. I wasn't going to drop it though, not at all.

"Listen." I started, slowly approaching her. "I know that you probably hate me and you have the right to. I get that, I really do alright, but I-I wasn't honest with you and I need to tell you the truth."

Camila frowned at my last words, but didn't say anything. She just kept looking at me with her confused and also kind of sad expression.

"I was so fucked up those past weeks, I was convince that we were in March when we're in April." I shyly laughed. Indeed, I kept telling everyone and I truly believed that we were in March but, in fact, we were at the beginning of April. That clearly proves that I wasn't thinking straight. Maybe I was alone a little too often... The time stopped when I let her leave that way.

"Hm w-what I want to say is that you don't have to forgive me, I'm not asking you to." I continued, making sure that she was understanding. "I just want a few minutes of your time to be able to explain myself."

Camila slowly nodded her head, making me sigh in relief. At least, she wanted to hear me out, that was a great start.

"Is that alright?" I asked her, to make sure that she was really fine with it.

Camila nodded her head a second time before looking at Marisa. "I'll join you later." She simply said.

I turned to see her best friend stabbing me with her eyes before turning around and walking away.

"Maybe you should change before." I mumbled, nervously playing with my fingers.

"No." The brunette responded, walking away.

I frowned before realizing that she was walking towards the bleachers in order to sit there. She placed her gloves and her broomstick next the her as she waited for me to join her.

"I don't even know where to start." I said, sitting to her left.

The way that her eyes were looking at me was captivating. It was as if she was sad, hurt, but also interested in what I was going to say. She remained silent though, waiting for me to start talking.

"I'm an asshole." I finally said, honestly. "And a liar." I added, rubbing my neck in a stressful way.

I took the time to explain her everything that I knew and that I was convinced that she also needed to know. The touchy subject was when I talked about her parents and about what they wanted me to do. I talked to her about the conversation that I had with Adam and my parents and that, in order to make sure that her parents weren't going to inform the press about this entire situation, I needed to end things with her and make sure that she wasn't going to talk to me after that.

"I'm not even supposed to be next to you right now because, apparently, your parents don't want me near you, it's dangerous." I slowly continued. "But I felt so bad and I needed to explain everything to you... I know I'm compromising everything and that your parents will probably be mad at me when I'll talk to them tomorrow, but..."

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