Chapter 23

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Two weeks later and still nothing. We were all back to school, which made Ally really happy, and nothing was really different except the fact that we didn't have any privacy. My father, my mother and Elizabeth were staying in the apartments because, yeah it was safer for them, but also because they wanted to keep an eye on us. The others were somewhere else, I didn't know, trying to deal with all of this.

All the girls from Marisa's team were back to Beauxbatons Academy, except her. The director said that it wasn't safe for her to go back in France after what happened a few weeks ago. My dad said that Dumbledore almost fight with her parents, but he managed to succeed, as always. She was feeling better, by the way, but she wasn't happy about the fact that she needed to stay in the apartments to make sure that nobody sees her in the castle.

"I hate it." Marisa mumbled as Dinah and I were sitting in her room. "It sucks." She added, hiding her face in her pillow.

"It does suck." Dinah said, sitting next to her.

"Let's see the positive things!" I said before Dinah could add anything. "At least, your school year is not going to be affected!" I stared at my best friend so that she could understand what I wanted her to say.

"Hm, yeah!" Dinah said with an encouraging tone. "And you get to see us, sometimes, right!"

Marisa's head was still in her pillow and the only response that she gave us was a groan.

"Oh and Camila says hello, by the way, she's in class." I said, remembering what her best friend wanted me to say to her.

The brown-eyed girl turned around on her bed to lay on her back with that really unhappy expression on her face. "I'm happy that you girls can play again, though." She said, looking at Dinah.

"Don't look at me! I wasn't the one suspended for trying to kill a bitch!" DJ giggled, slightly hitting my arm.

Indeed, Dumbledore asked me to meet him in his office. I thought that he was mad at me for almost getting me and Marisa killed, but he just wanted to see how I was feeling. I actually never saw him mad at someone, maybe he's just a really calm person! He also said that he talked to Mr. Helbert and Mr. Snape so that I could play in the team again. Now that the girls were gone, the problem was gone!

"I'll give you that one." I said, looking at Dinah who was still laughing her ass off.

"Lauren!" We heard my mother's voice from downstairs.

"What?" I yelled back.

"Girl, stop screaming!" Dinah said with an irritated tone.

I sighed and jumped off the bed to open the door. "What, mom?" I asked again.

"Can you come downstairs, please?" My mom loudly said.

I looked at the girls and they nodded before I left Marisa's bedroom and headed to the stairs.

"In the living room." I heard my mother's voice say again.

When I arrived there, she was sitting on the couch next to my dad. Adam was there too, waiting for me.

"Oh hey dad!" I said. "Adam." I smiled to my teacher.

"We need to talk." My dad said, using his serious tone and pointing the other couch asking me to sit on it.

My smile fell when I saw how serious their expressions were. "Hm, sure?" I said with an interrogating tone. "Is there something wrong?"

"Don't worry, nothing happened." Adam slightly smiled. "We just want to talk."

"You spoke with Dumbledore last week, right?" My father interjected, staring at me.

"Yeah, many times actually." I responded, not really sure of where he was going with that.

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