Chapter 43

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Five weeks later

School was finally over. I was excited to go back home with my family and relax a little bit after everything that happened. I needed it, to be honest.

Dinah was usually staying a few days with my family and I during the summer break. I was an independent girl in every aspect of my life, but not seeing Dinah for some weeks was making me miss her. I had to enjoy my time with her since it was our last year at Hogwarts and I knew that, even if she was always going to be a part of my life, I wasn't going to spend that much time with her after school.

I quickly left the living room as soon as I heard a big knock on the door.

"I got it!" I loudly said as I was walking towards the front door.

"I know, I'm a little late!" My best friend said as soon as I opened the door.

"Not as much as you usually are." I smiled as I quickly put my arms around Dinah's neck to hug her. "I'm so happy to see you, you don't even know."

"Me too, I'm happy to be here." She smiled back at me.

"Hi sweetie." My mom quickly walked towards Dinah to hug her as well. "How are you doing?"

Dinah spoke a few minutes with my mom before I took her bags and helped her carry them to her room.

"How nice of you." My friend winked at me.

"Yeah, you're welcome." I laughed.

"So, tell me!" Dinah loudly said.

"Tell you what?" I questioned as I walked to the bed to sit.

Dinah joined me and immediately made herself comfortable.

"Everything. Are you kidding me?" She said. "Tell me, how are you feeling?"

"Dinah." I slowly said. "I told you many times, I'm fine. I'm working on me and I'm taking care of myself."

"And that's exactly what you should do, but that's not telling me anything about how you're feeling." My friend answered. "I know you, Lauren."

"I'm fine." I repeated. "How are you feeling?"

Dinah rolled her eyes and immediately stood up to walk out of the room.

"Your mom might be more talkative then!" She said as she was going down the stairs.

"Here we go." I whispered to myself.

As soon as I put my feet on the first floor, I already wanted to go back upstairs. Dinah and my mom were both in the kitchen and I was able to hear what they were talking about.

"How's Camila?" My mom asked. "Lauren has been really silent about this whole situation... I don't even know what happened."

I stopped walking and waited for my friend's answer. I didn't really want to talk about it and this wasn't my favorite subject, but I was curious to hear what Dinah was going to say.

"She doesn't really talk to me either." Dinah avoided the question.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to make you uncomfortable." My mom said. "I just think it's unfortunate."

"I'm not." Dinah quickly added. "I mean, I've been trying to make her talk to me, but she's completely closed."

There was a brief moment of silence before Dinah continued. "Camila is doing well, we talk a lot."

This was enough. I've been trying to avoid the thought of Camila and this conversation wasn't helping.

"You're already stealing Dinah from me, mom?" I faked a smile as I walked into the kitchen.

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