Chapter 5

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Those celebrations after our victories are always pretty memorable. Ravenclaw students gather in our common room and, most of the time, we enjoy the rest of the evening, if we can remember it! Alcohol was not permitted, it goes without saying, but the Holidays just ended and that means that a lot of people came back from their houses with interesting things... The supervisors are always quite nice with us after a game, they usually leave us alone and just having fun. It was only 5:30 pm, but there were already a lot of people in the common room. I was not really hungry that night, so I went to my room to get rid of my big bag and my broomstick. Most of the time, players just leave them in the locker room, but I prefer having all my stuff with me. As I was entering the room, I saw that Camila was lying on her bed with a book in her hands.

"Hey." I said as I walked towards my own bed.

"Oh hey." She responded, putting her book on her thighs and smiling at me.

"You left quickly earlier."

I put all my stuff under my bed and took off my shoes. I have to say that I was tired, but never enough to stay in bed while others are having fun.

"Yeah, I'm sorry." She started. "I don't really like being the center of attention."

I walked towards my bedside table, on the other side of my bed, to turn on my lamp.

"Why are you walking like that?" I heard Camila's voice behind my back. I was doing my very best to walk straight, even with the pain that I was feeling in my thigh.

"Oh hm it's fine. I just received a bludger on my left thigh at the end of the game, just before you did your prowess. It hurts like a bitch, but it'll pass." I said, sitting on my bed.

"I know this kind of injuries, believe me! When I was practicing with my father, he was mercilessly!" She said as she stood up and approached my bed with her wand in her hand. "Let me see."

I didn't say anything, I was just looking at her with a very confused face because I didn't know if I heard correctly.

"You want me to take off my pants?" I slowly asked.

"No, not take off your pants!" Camila said, laughing. "Maybe bring them up a bit? I know some spells that can help heal internal wounds or small inguries."

"You do?" I was a little disturbed by this. Why do I always need to think like a pervert? She was just trying to be nice, that's all.

"I do!" Camila responded as I started to roll my pants up. At the top, the simple touch of the fabric on my thigh was painful and I was trying not to make weird faces. I had an enormous bruise on my skin. I could see that it was turning black.

"Wow, it's not pretty. Can I?" She asked, moving closer to me.

I didn't have time to say anything before I felt her hands slowly touching my skin. It was not even hurting anymore and that's when I felt it again. That freaking heart beating way too fast for what I was doing!

"It's pretty swollen." Camila said, her hands still on my thigh.

"What should I do, doctor Cabello? Am I going to die?" I said, raising my head to see that I was only a few inches away from hers.

She moved her hands away and took her wand. "Not today." She simply responded with a small smile on her face. "It's going to hurt first, but it'll feel good right after, trust me."

"Are you sure that you can do that kind of sp..."

"Episkey!" Camila strongly said, moving her wand in front of me.

"Jessu... I mean, it's n-not that bad." I said using a little but strong voice. Actually, that hurt pretty bad, but I didn't want to look "weak" in front of her. "I though that this spell was only for broken bones, like a nose or a finger?" I said, touching my thigh.

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