Chapter 42

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I was woken up by voices near my bed. My eyes were still closed, but I was able to recognize them.

"How is she doing?" I heard Dinah's voice.

"It's actually difficult to say." A feminine and older voice mumbled. "Nothing's broken, but we can definitely see signs of one or multiple fights. The back of her head was bleeding and her hands are still swolen."

"What about the weird cuts behind her neck?" Dinah quickly asked.

"We looked, nothing was in there. It's a simple wound."

"Thank God... I thought they used her for their sick experiments."

I lost a few sentences. My body wanted to fall back asleep, but I wanted to hear what they were saying.

"You telling me that she was running is really surprising since her body is really bruised and her wounds are pretty serious. The adrenaline definitely helped her."

As the two of them were still talking, I heard some footsteps coming close to where I was.

"Excuse me miss, you shouldn't get that close to the patient." The older voice said. "We don't want to wake her up, she needs to rest."

There was a short moment of silence before I heard Dinah's voice again.

"It's over Mila, she's safe now."

I felt soft fingers strocking the back of my hand. Camila didn't add anything. I wanted to open my eyes and talk, but I wasn't able to. My body felt so weak, I hated it.

"Miss, we should really let miss Jauregui sleep." The voice repeated as Camila's hand slowly left mine.

I heard some other sentences, but I couldn't understand. I couldn't resist anymore, I fell back asleep.



"Ally, you freaking killed it!" Normani loudly said as we were all gathering next to the bleachers.

"You really did." Dinah added. "You're the only reason why your team won against Gryffindor, to be honest. They're always so good every year. Your house is lucky you're playing after your knee injury."

"They're good, but not as good as us." I said before I winked at the smaller girl.

"Thanks guys." Ally smiled at us. "I can't feel my thighs though."

"Let's eat, I'm starving." Dinah put her arms around Normani's and Ally's shoulders as we started to walk towards the castle.

"Lauren, weren't you supposed to ask the new Beauxbatons girl to come with us this afternoon?" Ally asked.

"Yeah, she was." Dinah answered for me as the others were waiting for me to talk.

"What's her name again?" Normani said.

"She's been here for a few days, why is everybody already deeply in love with her?" I said after I rolled my eyes.

"Because she's really kind, smart and drop dead gorgeous." Dinah answered as if I was asking a question. "Exactly Lauren's type." She hit my right shoulder as the two others were laughing.

"I see." Normani smirked.

"Her name's Camila." Dinah added.

"What do you mean, exactly Lauren's type?!" I quickly asked.

"Oh please, I have eyes." Dinah giggled.

"I have eyes too, what the hell is that supposed to mean?" I started to get defensive. "She wants to take my position in the team, how can she possibly be my type?"

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