Chapter 12

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The weekend arrived pretty quickly. That team of girls won every single game! Let me tell you that Hogwarts didn't look that prestigious after... The one against Hufflepuff was worse than the game against Slytherin. Yeah, that's possible! Even if Spencer was trying to invent some excuses, everybody saw it. Ally tried really hard though. Dinah and I talked to her after and she seemed exhausted. I really like Ally, it's too bad that I had only one course with her... Anyway, what was I doing my Friday night before the "big day"? Normani helped me picking a pair of shoes because, if it was only me, I'll go there with my converses... Of course, she couldn't come with us in the dorm, so Dinah and I were in our room, trying our dresses. Well, not really, Dinah was trying her dress and I was watching her.

"It looks fine, I swear." I said, rolling my eyes. Tristan clumsily asked Dinah to go with him so she was a bit freaking out.

"You say that to make me happy! Just because you're a good friend." My best friend responded, looking at her reflexion in the mirror.

The thing with Dinah is that she knows that she looks totally fine, but she still wants someone to give her even more confidence. "Your butt looks perfect in that dress, how many times do I have to tell you? You look hot, why would I lie to you about that?" I said, falling on my belly.

"Alright then!" DJ said with a satisfied smile on her face. "You look damn good in the black dress that Normani gave you! How many dresses do you think she has, it's like not even possible..." She continued, removing her dress in order to put her pajamas.

"Never under-estimate Mani's power, even less with clothes!" I laughed.

Our conversation was interrupted by Camila who entered the room. Yeah, Camila... I talked to her this week, but I felt like it was fake, not real. I mean, we had altercations and stuff, but, I don't know, it was different.

"Hey." The brunette simply said, smiling at us.

"Please, tell me that you were not at the library!" Dinah started, looking at Camila. "Maybe you should move there."

Our roommate laughed and started to remove her clothes. We used to change like this in front of each other. It was useless to go to the bathroom for that... Even if I tried to look somewhere else, God knows that her body is a freaking masterpiece! She turned to took her socks and I didn't even care if she sees me checking her out, because it was exactly what I was doing. Camila raised an eyebrow and looked at me directly in the eyes. I didn't look away, I stared right back at her and smirked.

"Not this time." She finally responded, breaking our eye contact to look at the taller girl. "I was with Marisa and some other girls from her team."

Of course she was. She spent the entire week with her best friend. If you thought that I was jealous, well you didn't see Stéphanie, Marisa's ex girlfriend! Okay, maybe I was not so happy for her being in this castle, but God, I knew what she was going through! Aria never was that bad and it felt like I wasn't able to breathe so I just couldn't imagine. I understood that Marisa needed to do something else and maybe she was sad because she really loved her, but maybe she could find another shoulder to cry on, right?

"I saw that Stéphanie girl and she's really pretty." Dinah said, brushing her hair.

Camila was now in her pink pajamas and took a book on her night table. "Yeah she's georgous, but..." She started.

"I know, I heard her talk." Dinah cut her off. "Lovely!" She laughed.

We didn't really talk after that, we all had an exhausting week and Dinah wanted to be in a perfect shape for tomorrow! I didn't do any homework even if I was aware that maybe I needed to... I basically just went to sleep.

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