Chapter 30

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I couldn't sleep. Well, maybe sleeping four hours during the day didn't help me very much... Anyway, my mind couldn't let me sleep peacefully, as always.

I was able to hear Camila's heavy breaths next to me. At least, someone was able to rest! It was completely silent until around six in the morning.

I heard Adam walking in the house. I knew it was him because let's say he's usually not super delicate! Also, this place wasn't really huge so it was easy to hear other people in different rooms.

I left the bed, trying my best not to wake up Camila in the process, before putting on the same shirt and pants as the day before. Yes, I know it wasn't super cute of me, specially because of the blood on my shirt, but it was necessary! Vanessa was kind enough to give us some proper clothes to sleep in though!

"Good morning." I said as I sat next to Adam at the kitchen table.

"Good morning." He repeated, smiling at me. "I see that you weren't able to sleep either?" He asked.

"Is it really that obvious?" I laughed.

I wasn't the only one looking tired, Adam was even worse than me. We both had bags under our eyes and looked like we spent the entire night in a cemetery or something.

"Is your head doing better?" He asked as his eyes traveled from my head to my eyes.

"I think so, it's not really hurting anymore." I answered.

Adam smiled and stood up to reach the counter. "I made coffee, if you want some." He said, filling his mug.

We both turned our heads as we heard someone walking in the house. I thought that maybe Camila was awake, but Vanessa came out of her room.

"Already up?" The woman smiled at us as she slowly walked towards us.

Adam and I smiled back at her and we started to talk about banal things. Actually, I wasn't really ready to start this day, so talking about things related to school or Quidditch wasn't that bad...

"Tell me, Lauren, do you like studying at Hogwarts?" Vanessa asked.

"I do, yes." I answered after swallowing my sip on orange juice. "It's an awesome school."

"With awesome teachers." Adam smirked as I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"I was studying there when I was your age, that's where I met your mother." The woman added.

"Were you in Ravenclaw too?" I asked her, being interested in what she was talking about.

"No, I was in Hufflepuff, but I had many classes with her! She was one of my best friends at the time."

"Inseparable, these two." Adam added.

"I have a friend like that too." I smiled thinking about Dinah.

Normani's point of view

"Dinah, please, do this for me!" I begged.

Dinah, Ally and I were sitting in the library. I just finished an important paper as Dinah was still working on hers.

"Okay, listen. I simply don't want to look like a complete idiot and you know that I don't know a single thing about Quidditch!" I said again.

"Normani." Ally said, rolling her eyes.

"Girl, you watch us play all the time and he's not even that cute." Dinah smirked at me as I saw Ally's eyes leaving her book to look at us.

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