Chapter 2

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"Hey, I'm Camila." Said the young woman in front of me with a small smile on her face.

"Lauren." I said as I took my bag and put it on my shoulder.

"Yeah I know who you are, your face is all over the walls in the Ravenclaw's dorm."

I turned my head to be able to face her. I have to say that this girl was really beautiful, even though she looked very tired. She was wearing a black sweater, a simple pair of jeans and a cute little beret which highlighted her long dark brown hair.

"Even if I don't really like to admit that, miss Jauregui is known by most of the people here." Mr. Helbert said, looking at Camila. "I guess that our walls with the pictures of our Quidditch team helped a bit!"

The new student smiled shyly and started to play with her fingers.

"So you are one of the other options?" I finally said with a smirk on my face.

Camila stopped playing with her hands and looked at me confused. "What, what options?"

"Never mind!" I said before walking to the door. "It's not that I don't like talking about me and my skills, but my friends are waiting for me, so..."

I spent more time here than I thought and I needed to join my teammates for a small practice of only about 45 minutes. We were more than ready to face Hufflepuff tomorrow, but we often played like that just for fun.

"Wait, miss Jauregui, one last thing." Professor Helbert said. "I'll need someone from our home to help miss Cabello in the school and I'm sure that it'll be a pleasure for you to help her since you've been there for some years now! Right?"

I looked at him with the one and only look that I do when I want to argue about something.

"Professor, you know, the thing is that..."

"Perfect!" Mr. Helbert said, interrupting me and clapping in his hands. "Plus, I know that one of your roommates had to leave your dorm last week and it's a pretty good coincidence because miss Cabello needs a place to sleep, obviously."

"Wait, but sir, you said that is was okay for Aria to take that place, remember?" I quickly said.

"Well, we are changing the plans!" He said as he was drinking from his cup of coffee."You don't want her to sleep with the owls, do you?"

"No, but..."

"It's fine, Mr. Helbert, I can sleep somewhere else, I don't care at all." Camila said avoiding my gaze.

"Lauren." Mr. Helbert said looking at me right in my eyes.

"Fine, whatever." I said walking for the second time to the door. "I really need to go now."

I left without hearing what Mr. Helbert was trying to say to me. I didn't want to have any other responsibilities or obligations to do... I was always the lucky one who needed to take care of the new student. Plus, that new one, even if she was kind of cute, was looking for MY place in MY team. I was the freaking captain, I bet she just didn't get the memo.

"It's going to be amazing!" I sarcastically said to myself when I was going downstairs.

"Hey Jauregui!" I heard behind me when I was about to leave the huge stairs. "Were you really still talking with Mr. H?! I was waiting for you, girl!"

Dinah Jane Hansen, the funniest girl that I knew. She had been my best friend since the first day of school. Well, since we knew that we were from the same house.

"Yeah, I was still there, I'm sorry! Let me just take my broomstick and I'm ready to go." I said to my friend who was now by my side.

"Do you have any problems Lauren? Like again?" Dinah said with a funny tone when we headed towards the dormitories.

"Nah, it's fine." I said in front of that amazing woman who is kind of the "guardian" of our dorm. "Butterbeer!" I said with a big smile.

The door opened and Dinah and I almost ran to our room.

"Why do you look so mad then?" My best friend said as I was searching for my new broomstick.

"Later Dinah, we're late!"

She stood up and blocked my way. "Who cares, it's not even a real practice. Now you sit here and talk to me. We're late anyway."

"Oh my god, fine! But it's nothing really, I just need to take care of this new girl and hmm you're not going to be happy about this, but she is now our new roommate."

"What do you mean?" Dinah said with a confused look. "I thought that Aria was supposed to take Elsa's place?"

"We are changing the plans!" I said imitating Mr. Helbert's voice. "Oh and he said that he'll kick me out of the team if I don't make any effort in class."

"Wait, what? He can't do that, you're our captain girl! Nah, he's not going to kick you out, believe me, Elsa was the only one who was able to keep the goals like you always do and she's gone now so!"

I stood up again and looked outside by the window.

"Well that new girl is supposed to be a pretty good player." I slowly said still looking outside.

"Since when Lauren Jauregui is afraid of some competition? Come on Laur, don't worry about this." My friend said, winking at me.

"I'm not." I said, taking my broomstick. "We really need to go, we have to be ready for the game tomorrow, remember."

"We are." Dinah said laughing.

"I know, but still... The first one in the locker room! Go!" I said before I started to run, even if we can't run in the school. Oh well, I was never really good to follow the rules.

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