Chapter 33

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"At least, I can say that you came to me prepared..." I mumbled, carefully listening to what Elizabeth was explaining.

It was now completely dark outside. I knew that I needed to go back inside, but Elizabeth and Davina were so determined and into their plan that I needed to listen until the end.

"So, basically, you're telling me that I'm not going back in there, but you are?" I asked, looking at Adam's daughter.

"That's right." She simply said.

"Whose idea was that?" I asked again, remembering her story. Let's say that Davina stayed quite a long time between these walls and wasn't even herself when she came out of there.

"Her idea." Liz answered my question as the other girl nodded her head. "I wish I could go, but I'm not interesting to them."

"Wait, repeat what you want me to do again?" I raised my eyebrows in confusion. This was really, how can I say, structured and I wasn't sure to understand all of it.

"Elizabeth and you will have to secure the perimeter on the left side of the building, where the main canalization is." Davina said.

Peter has been analyzing the outside of the building since we got out, well since they know where it is. Elizabeth too, but differently. According to what Davina was saying about the place, she was trying to represent the inside. This wasn't an easy task, but even if this woman isn't my favorite person, she's usually able to work on really difficult and complicated stuff. I was wondering if she was a Ravenclaw or maybe a Gryffindor, but I never asked.

"Alright, I get it, but you said that you needed me particulary because I was on the list, right?" I started. "Anybody can secure a perimeter."

The two girls looked at each other before Liz spoke. "Well, you're kind of our back up plan." She simply said.

"If something's not going the way we want it to go or anything happen to me, you'll be there to continue." Davina said with a straight face.

These two weren't joking around. It was even a bit scary.

"But don't worry, this will not happen." The girl continued with confidence, trying to reassure me.

"We also need you to talk to Normani Kordei Hamilton from Gryffindor. Your friend who was there at the shack." Elizabeth said which made me frown.

"Why's that?" I asked, not wanting my friends to be involved in anything.

Here's the explanation. They didn't want to leave without causing some damages. I was pretty sure this was Elizabeth's idea... She said that she talked to a few teachers and people working at the school, especially people working at the greenhouse, to get a few names of students. She wanted to know who was good with plants and flowers, well potions to be exact. Normani's name came up everytime.

"I get it, but why would you want me to talk to someone who's good with potions?" I asked, not understanding where she was going with this.

"I want her to create an explosive for us." Liz said as if it was the most common sentence ever.

"Excuse me?" I took a moment to ask. An explosive? Wait, she wanted to blow up the place..?

"We have the element of surprise here, Lauren. We can use it." Davina calmly said.

I slowly stood up, looking at the two older girls in disbelief. "You want my friend to make a freaking bomb so that we could blow up the entire building?!" I tried to summarize.

"Not the entire building." Elizabeth rolled her eyes.

"A room located right at the center, where they are making that weird substance they administer to their residents." Davina completed. "It's like the control center, in a way, the main room."

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