Chapter 35

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I've been looking for Lauren the entire lunch time. She wasn't in our dorm, at the library, at the apartments, she was nowhere to be found. She couldn't just leave the castle like that after an argument, could she? Who does that..?

"Dinah!" I saw Ally walking towards me in the hallway.

"Ally, hey! Great, I wanted to talk to you!" I greeted the Hufflepuff girl with a small hug.

"What, am I in trouble?" She responded, wearing her usual smile.

I pointed my finger at an empty class and opened the door to enter so we could actually hear each other when we talk.

"No, you're not, but we both know someone who might be." I said after I closed the door behind the smaller girl.

"Lauren? What did she do again?" Ally asked, perfectly knowing who I was talking about.

"Well, I can't find her anywhere and I was wondering if you had seen her earlier?" I asked back.

Ally shook her head and I sighed. Where the hell was she?

"Have you asked Mila?" She said, now looking as worried as me.

"They had an argument and since that argument, we don't have any idea where she might be." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry, I wish I could help you." Ally said, looking uncomfortable. "I have an hour, I could help you look for her if you want?"

I shortly smiled at Ally's generosity, but shook my head. "I already did the entire castle... I guess she doesn't want to be found."

We talked a bit but, even if I didn't want to be rude, I wanted to talk to Normani. Maybe she knew things we didn't!

Ally obviously understood and she told me that she just had a course with her and that she thought she was still talking with Nathan, the cute Quidditch player, next to the class.

I went where Ally told me to go, not too far away from where we were, and I sighed in relief when I saw Normani sitting on a bench with Nathan.

"Hey!" My friend said with a big smile when she saw me walking towards her, which also made Nathan's head look up at me.

I already knew who he was because my team played against his this year and also the years before. I didn't really know him personally, but he was definitely a great and respectful player, even if he was a Slytherin.

"I don't want to interrupt you guys or anything, but, Mani, can I please talk to you?" I didn't lose time to ask.

Nathan shyly smiled at me and slowly stood up from the bench. He put his backpack on one of his shoulders and placed a hand on Normani's shoulder.

"I'll see you around." He squeezed her shoulder and raised his eyes to look at me.

"Dinah." He simply said before nodding his head.

I smiled and looked at him walk away before quickly sat next to Normani.

"Even if I wish I could know all the details, I need to ask you something." I said. "Have you seen Lauren today?" I went straight to the point.

The thing with Mani is that her face usually talks a lot for her. I could see, the moment I finished my sentence, that she was feeling uncomfortable.

I was expecting her to say something, but she shook her head. I frowned, knowing perfectly there was something she knew about this or, at least, something she wanted to say.

"I think she's in trouble." I slowly added, still waiting for her to talk.

She mumbled something that I couldn't hear and tried to avoid my eyes. Now I was sure that she was hiding something from me.

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