Chapter 31

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"Lauren?" I heard Dinah's voice say.

I was half asleep, I wasn't going to answer. She was able to wait, the castle wasn't on fire.

"Lauren!" She said a bit louder.

"Mhm." I mumbled, keeping my eyes closed as my face was hiding in my pillow.

"I don't want to freak you out or anything, but there's blood on your pillow and since you sleep with your face right in it, my duty is to tell you."

It took me a few seconds to analyze what she was talking about. When I finally got it, I quickly raised my head to see that, indeed, my pillow wasn't quite white anymore.

"For Fuck's sake." I groaned as I quickly found my way out of bed to see what was happening.

"Chill, it's just your bandage. Aren't you supposed to be used to hurt your head, keeper?" Dinah said before I glared at her.

In front of the mirror, I noticed that, like the taller girl said, my bandage wasn't like I had positioned it the night before.

"The wound freaking opened." I groaned again.

"You did it yourself?" Dinah asked as I was still in front of the mirror.

"The bandage, yes." I responded, trying to remove the dry blood I had on my forehead.

"Don't ask yourself questions then." My friend giggled before I throw the first thing near my hand, a hair brush, right at her face.

"Alright, alright. Do you need help?" She asked, still wearing a smirk on her face.

I was about to say another annoying thing before I realized that Camila wasn't in her bed.

"Mila was hungry, she's already downstairs." Dinah said as if she was reading my mind. "I already ate, it's 10:00 am."

"Great thing that she's hungry!" I said, as I finished to fix my injury. "I feel a bit sick, I'm not really hungry. I'll skip that one." I added.

"You're not going to class today anyway, right?" Dinah asked before throwing me my school uniform.

"Not today, I have a few things to do and I need to talk to my parents and the others." I responded.

She gave me back the hair brush I had thrown at her a few minutes ago so I could fix my messy hair. So many things to fix this morning!

"We have Herbology soon, I'll go and bring you back the notes." My friend smiled.

After I finished to dress myself, Dinah went to our class and I decided to wait for Camila to come back. I asked my best friend to tell her to join me in our room, so we could go to the apartments together.

After twenty minutes of me looking out of the window, I heard the door open. I immediately turned my head to see the younger brunette coming in.

At my surprise, she started to giggled when she saw me. I frowned, but quickly smiled after realizing that my girlfriend was laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked as she walked closer to me.

"Poor baby." Camila simply said, placing her hands on both sides of my face.

The huge smile on her face distracted me from understanding that she was laughing because of my head, well my bandage.

"Hey. I tried my best, it's not supposed to look pretty!" I said, placing my hands on her hips and bringing the younger brunette closer to me.

"There's still dry blood on your forehead." Camila said, rubbing her thumb above my right eyebrow.

"It opened during the night." I pouted, looking down at my feet.

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