Chapter 37

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Lauren's point of view

I couldn't be more stressed out than this and I could bet that my heart was going to stop at any minute. Nobody seemed to pay attention to me which was great.

I was walking slowly as I avoided to look a bit too much around. I was almost to the complete opposite of the building when I heard someone behind me saying something that I didn't quite understand.

I turned around to see if that someone was talking to me and, indeed, a man was standing there looking at me.

"Excuse me?" I politely said, shortly smiling.

"Are you an intern, miss...?" He said, looking for a name on my lab coat but obviously didn't find one.

"Baker, sir." I quickly completed his sentence using the first last name I thought of.

"Mr. Mikaelson is waiting for all of you at the A3, he wants to start the practical part of your formation." The man started to say with a serious tone. "You didn't get the information?"

"Yes sir, I'm simply horrible at finding my way in a huge building like this!" I giggled.

The man shortly smiled at my answer. "It can get confusing! Follow this path until you reach the big doors. All of your companions are already there, you won't miss it."

"Thanks a lot, have a great day!" I said before he nodded his head and started to walk away.

I sighed. Fortunately, I wasn't a bad liar! I was hoping that I'd have many "companions" to make sure nobody could notice me since I've been there before.

I followed the man's instructions until I arrived in front of at least twenty men and women around my age and a bit older. Again, fortunately, I didn't look too young.

I smiled to a few people and stopped at what seemed to be a line near a door,  the A3. After I took my place, I looked a bit around to see if I could see anything that could give me some clues about my friends and my father. Nothing, of course.

"Hi, excuse me?" I said to the girl waiting before me in the line. "Why can't we enter yet?" I asked.

"They want us to wait outside 'till the room is ready!" She warmly smiled at me.

I nodded and thanked her. Now, I needed to plan something out, at least a tiny something. Improvisation wasn't so terrible to me until now, but I was getting closer to my friends and I needed to be careful.

Not even five minutes after I arrived, the door opened and everyone in the line started to get in. Since I was late, I was at the complete end, but I had the time to think about what I wanted to do.

My main goal was to remain unnoticed. I wanted to see if I could find everyone without dragging too much attention.

It was my turn to enter. I looked at my feet, slowly getting in the rather dark room. Everyone stood there and some men were telling us to stay still.

Like I said, the room was dark and quite large. I couldn't see what was in front of us, I was too far away. I almost jumped in the air when everyone next to me started to clap and scream.

I raised my head, trying to see why everyone got excited. I understood right away. Mr. Mikaelson himself was walking in the A3. Even though I hated this man, I couldn't deny that he had a weird yet interesting presence. He was wearing his usual smile and saying hi to the people in front of him.

I felt like the entire security was in the room. They were probably looking out for him.

He got in front of us and raised one of his hands in the air. Everyone stopped talking.

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