Chapter 11

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Everybody was looking at Camila. Well no, not exactly because not everyone knew her, but those people were looking around to find a girl with a red face.

Indeed, there was one! Camila was so red, she was turning purple! I was still standing on my chair and I was waiting for her to say something, anything. As all of those heads were looking at the brunette, also waiting for an answer, there was a pair of eyes staring at me. Of course, Aria needed to be in the common room when I did that! She seemed a bit offended, but there was another expression on her face... Something like a friendly and not so mad expression? Well, Aria was not really my first concern.

"Hm..." Camila started. "I-I'm sorry, I can't." She said as she started to run in the stairs towards the rooms.

Dinah's facial expression immediately changed and she quickly turned around to follow Camila.

Wait, what..? There was a huge silence and I slowly got off the chair, probably looking very confused and uncomfortable. Some people gave me the "I'm sorry" look and, after a few seconds, everyone went back to their occupations.

"Maybe you should go talk to her." I heard Tristan said, walking towards me with a compassionate face.

I didn't say anything, I just slightly nodded and quickly went upstairs. I never mounted stairs as fast as I did! Before thinking about what I wanted to say, I arrived to our room. The door was slightly open so I immediately went in.

The two girls were standing in front of the window. I didn't hear anything from their conversation, I just stopped in the middle of the room. "I'll let you talk." Dinah said before she briefly smiled at me and left.

This situation was awkward as hell. We were able to hear a pin drop in the room. Camila and I were looking at each other, but nobody was saying anything.

"I'm sorry." I finally started, slowly moving towards her. "I thought... I thought that was what you wanted."

"Lauren..." She started before I cut her off.

"Actually no, I'm not sorry at all. You know why?" I continued. "Because every single word was honest and I don't regret telling the truth. Even if you don't feel the same way or if you don't want to go to that dance with me, I still..."

"I didn't say that." Camila said, looking into my eyes.

"Well, I think that it was pretty obvious." I responded, running a hand through my hair.

Camila took a deep breath. "Someone else already asked me to go and I-I really didn't think that you were going to ask me to go with you, not at all. Even less like that..." The smaller brunette started, very fast. I could see that she was destabilized and that she wasn't expecting what just happened downstairs. Maybe it was not my best idea...

"Oh." I simply responded, looking at the floor. "So you can't go with me because you're going with someone else..." I was not really asking her, I was mainly resuming the situation to myself. I slowly raised my head to look at her.

"I mean." Camila continued, moving a bit towards me. "She just broke up with her girlfriend yesterday and she wants to think about something else you know... She asked me as a friend, just to be with someone because I-I thought that you, yeah..." She mumbled.

Oh hell no. Was she really saying what I thought she was saying? I didn't care about the perfect behavior in such situations, I was starting to get jealous and maybe a bit angry. "You're really going there with the girl that broke your heart? You're going with Marisa?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

Camila seemed a bit offended by my comment. I told the truth though, that perfect Autralian girl did hurt her not that long ago. "It's not like that Lauren, she's my best friend and I need to be there for her." She said, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "Anyway, Aria told me, well she told pretty much everyone, that she wants to go with you and I already said that I'm not going to start this war with her..."

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