Chapter 39

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Lauren's point of view

When I came out of what these people called "my room", those two same men were still waiting for me outside. However, Mr. Freak was nowhere to be found.

As I was walking in the hallway, I couldn't stop myself to wonder. They asked me questions about Camila. Was she on that list because of me? Was she in danger because of me? How could I have a healthy relationship with someone if I was the reason why they weren't safe?

"Here we are." One of the guys said as he opened the door for me to walk in.

I shook my head to remove all the thoughts I had about Camila, well about our relationship. I needed to deal with something else.

I eagerly stepped into the rather big room. I quickly stopped when I saw who was already sitting at the table in front of me.

I was in shock. My father was sitting there, facing me. Why was I in shock? Because he looked horrible, he looked dead. His skin was greyish and the bags under his eyes made me think that he wasn't sleeping a lot here. He was wearing the same white clothes than me.

When he realized that I was in front of him, which took him a few seconds, his eyes started to get watery.

"Dad?" I said, slowly approaching him.

"Oh Lauren, in what mess did you get yourself into..." He took his time to say.

He slowly stood up and I couldn't help to quickly walk to him and hugged him really tight.

"Dad, I was so scared." I said as I tried my best to prevent a few tears to leave my eyes.

He hugged me back and approached his mouth to my ear. "They're listening." He whispered.

I slightly jumped as I heard someone else entering the room. I let go of my father and turned around.

If I thought that my dad looked horrible, Adam looked ten times worst. People needed to literally carry him inside because he seemed to have some troubles to walk.

"Adam." I said as I also hugged him. My gesture took him by surprise because he stood still and didn't really react. "What did they do to you?" I asked as he slowly sat at the table, near my father.

They both looked at me as they were obviously disappointed and sad. I guess I can understand because they've been trying to protect me from the really beginning. They were here because of me.

"What are you doing here?" Adam talked first.

What was I doing here? Well, that was a great question. The goal was to take both of them out of here, but let's say it didn't really go as well as we thought.

"We mhm." I started to say. "We had something we wanted to do and it didn't really happen the way we wanted it to happen." I was being confusing on purpose since I knew they weren't the only one listening.

"We?" My dad raised his eyebrows.

Telling Adam that Davina was here and, more importantly, got caught, wasn't smart. He tried literally anything to have his daughter back and now she was where he absolutely didn't want her to be. However, I already fucked up when I used the word "we".

"Well..." I mumbled, not wanting to lie to them. I slowly approached the table, positioning myself in front of them. "I didn't come alone."

"Why don't you sit?" My father quickly said, pointing his index at the chair in front of them.

I nodded my head and sat. I actually realised that the table was already full of food. Different meals were disposed in many plates.

"Is that what they give you to eat usually?" I asked them, staring at my empty plate.

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