Chapter 44

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Of course Camila was coming. She needed a place to say and, this time, I couldn't avoid seeing her.

"By herself or with somebody?" I asked as I rolled my eyes.

"Please Lauren." Dinah said as she took off her shoes.

"Oh really, Dinah?" I quickly said as I started to raise my voice. "Please Lauren!?" I repeated her words.

Dinah didn't have time to answer me. The door slowly opened and Camila walked in with the usual smile on her face. She walked to her bed and stopped when she realized that nobody was talking.

"Am I interrupting something?" She said, looking at the three of us.

"You are, actually." I quickly said, not really thinking.

Aria, who was still sitting on my bed, and Dinah stayed silent as Camila raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe I could come back later?" Camila said.

"Oh, you really don't have to." I blurted out.

"You broke up with me." Camila firmly said as soon as I stopped my sentence. "Remember?!"

"Alright, it's getting late!" Aria quickly said as she left my bed.

"Let me walk you!" Dinah took the opportunity to leave Camila and I alone.

To be honest, I didn't want to confront her. It was late and I was tired. But I couldn't wait forever and push it back all the time. It was only the first day and I already thought that avoiding her was hard.

Aria gave me a soft look before she left the room, Dinah closely following her.

"What's your problem?" Camila said as she approached my bed.

I didn't answer. I even avoided her gaze and looked away.

"You broke up with me, Lauren." She continued, standing a few feet away from me. "I was ready to make this work, but you completely pushed me away."

She paused, probably waiting for me to say something. When she realized that I was staying silent, she took a few steps towards me and slowly sat on my bed.

As soon as she did, I stood up and walked towards the window.

"You won't let me be there for you." She said with a less confident voice. "You can't blame me for moving on."

"What do you want me to say?!" I turned around and stared right at her.

I could see the surprise in her face. She probably wasn't expecting the look in my eyes.

"That's it?" She asked. "Is this how you're going to act for the entire semester?!"

She seemed upset, but, at this moment, I couldn't care less.

"Might as well get yourself another room then." I firmly said, still looking at her.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Lauren?!" She raised her tone, but I could hear her voice shaking a little bit.

I turned back around and stayed silent.

I've always been impulsive person and, sometimes, I didn't really believe the things that were coming out of my mouth... She was right, I broke up with her. I was the one hurting her. But trying to provoke me wasn't the right thing to do. She wanted to get a reaction out of me and she did.

"Fine." She ended up saying.

I was still standing next to the window while she seemed to be getting ready to sleep. I wanted to avoid looking at her. When it became silent, I turned around and saw that she was in bed, turning her back at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2019 ⏰

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