Chapter 17

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I took a few steps towards Dinah, but immediately froze when she suddenly took her wand.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I whispered to her when the taller girl pointed it in my direction.

Dinah's expression wasn't difficult to analyse. Even if I was the one with a weapon in my face, she seemed to be the one in "danger". I saw a few tears rolling down her cheeks and her hands were shaking.

"Please Lauren, don't make me do this..." Dinah mumbled, her voice cracking up a little bit. She wasn't even looking at me, she seemed to be somewhere else.

Well, now I was confused as hell. I didn't even try to defend myself, there was no way that I was going to hurt her, not a chance.

"Dinah." I started, slowly trying to walk towards her. "What are you talking about?"

"Stay where you are." She strongly said, raising her wand dangerously higher. "I-I didn't have a choice, they'll hurt them, I can't let them do that..."

"Alright, alright." I said, placing my hands in front of me. "Who? Who are you talking about?" I slowly asked.

I never saw my best friend like that. Her eyes looked so afraid, so sad.

"I need to leave and y-you're going to let me go." Dinah firmly responded, her wand still up.

"Lauren?" We both heard Camila's sleepy voice.

Even though I was trying to be quiet, it wasn't really working. She caught my attention so I quickly looked at the brunette and her eyes were still closed, she was barely moving. I turned my head to look Dinah again, but she was gone.

"What time is it?" Camila mumbled, opening her eyes.

I looked everywhere, Dinah left and I didn't even know how. One second she was in front of me, the other one she was gone. I needed to talk to Adam.

"You didn't wake me up?" Camila mumbled again, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"I'm sorry." I started, now focusing on her as I walked towards her bed. "You were so cute this morning, I didn't want to disturb you."

Camila raised her head and started to fix her messy hair with her hand as I stood next to her bed.

"Is everything okay?" The brunette asked when her eyes met mine.

I had two options. Either I decided to talk to her about everything and about what just happened a minute ago, or I decided to hide the truth.

"Yes, Mr. Helbert's course was quite exhausting." I simply said, giving her my best smile. I couldn't talk to her, this would mean that she'll be involved in this and I didn't want that. "How are you feeling?"

Camila stared at me a few seconds before opening her arms. "Come here." She said, smiling at me with her sleepy face.

I obeyed and hugged her pretty tightly against me. I kind of needed this, actually. Camila's arms were really comforting.

"I'm fine, stop worrying about me." The brunette said, bringing me closer to her.

I let out a sigh against her neck and even if I wanted to stay in her arms forever, I wanted to talk to Adam and I had about 30 minutes to do that before my next course.

I was surprised when I felt Camila's hands sliding down my back to stop on its hollow. She squeezed the skin there and let her hands slide even lower to reach my butt.

"See, I'm always the victim here." I laughed, trying to leave her embrace. "I have something to do before my next course."

"You're clearly a victim, you're my victim." She seductively said, without moving her hands.

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