Chapter 25

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It's been one week, only one week since Camila left for Beauxbatons Academy. Even if I was trying to convince myself that it was the right thing to do, maybe not for me, but for her, it wasn't like before... She was hours and hours away from me, but I couldn't get her out of my head.

"Lauren, we're late." Dinah groaned, throwing me my bag with my Quidditch stuff in it.

"It's not a game Dinah, chill out." I said, rolling my eyes. "I don't even want to go." I added, still sitting on my bed.

"Is this going to last until the end of the year?" Dinah asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"What?" I mumbled, standing up on my feet and placing my bag on my shoulders.

"You know what!" My best friend responded.

"I'm just tired." I obviously lied.

Dinah rolled her eyes and sighed. "Listen, you can say whatever you want, but please, I'm not dumb." She said as she opened the door of our room.

I didn't answer, I was tired of trying to invent some ridiculous reasons. I was missing her, it was obvious, and even though I wasn't telling anybody, I'm pretty sure they all knew that I was missing Camila like crazy.

"I miss her, you know." I said as we were walking to reach the field.

"I know you do, I miss her too." Dinah responded, warmly smiling at me. "So what about those files, you've been talking about this all last week. Are we finally going?"

"I told you, remember?" I responded and my best friend looked at me with a confused face.

"Maybe if you tell me again..." She mumbled.

"Snape was in charge of watching the library at night last week and there was no way that I was going to give him the chance to drag me down once again." I said.

"Oh yeah, I remember now!" Dinah loudly said. "Maybe we should go for it tonight?" She asked, looking at me.

"Maybe we should." I responded. "Let's go to that practice and we'll talk about it after?"

"Alright, let's do this!" The taller girl smiled as we both arrived near the locker room.


"Mr. Helbert?" Two or three players said as they arrived on the field, their broomsticks with them.

He was standing there with the box full of balls next to his feet. "That's correct!" He smiled, looking at everybody.

By his facial expression, maybe he thought that somebody was going to ask him a question, but everybody remained silent.

"What are you doing?" Dinah finally said and her way to asked the question made me laugh.

"I'm taking my place back." Adam quickly responded with a proud smile on his face.

"Wait, really?" Aria asked.

"Really." Our teacher slightly laughed.

I have to say that I was so happy that Adam was back at "the head" of the team! The other lady, Mrs. Lespérance, was doing a great job, but he'll always be our number one coach.

I gave my best at this practice and I forgot about everything else. I felt happy during this hour and I was grateful about it...

"That was way better, captain!" Dinah loudly said from her broomstick as I stopped her shot.

"Here!" Spencer yelled before I also blocked his quaffle with my right hand.

"That's really good for today, guys! Go take a shower!" Adam said before everyone started to land.

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