Chapter 14

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"Cabello, Jauregui! Come here for a second!" Our new coach said after she finished her usual speech at the beginning of every practice.

"What's going on, Mrs. Lespérance?" Camila asked, walking towards the small woman with her broomstick in her hands.

Mrs. Lespérance smiled and shook her hand in the air to tell me to come closer. "I want to try something new today!" The woman said with a high pitched voice.

"Perfect." I silently mumbled.

Camila glared at me and ran her fingers through her curly hair before she widely smiled.

"I want you, Camila, to try to keep the hoops! Maybe you can be our keeper for tomorrow's game!" The woman said, looking at the brunette next to me with a huge and bright smile.

Camila's smile fainted and she frowned. "What?" She asked, running a hand through her hair again.

"I'm sorry what?" I strongly interjected, after I realized that she basically offered my place.

"Don't take it personal, sweetie." Mrs. Lespérance said, placing her tiny hand on my shoulder. "I think that your teammate can be a big advantage for us as the keeper! Let's just give it a try!"

"Hm, I'm sorry." Camila started. "I like the position that I have. Well, are you saying this because I'm not doing a good job?" She asked.

Mrs. Lespérance was still wearing her big smile. This woman was always smiling and it was getting on my nerves a little bit. "No sweetie, not at all!" She responded, finally removing her hand from me.

"Am I doing a bad job?" I quickly asked right after she answered.

"Look girls, it's just a try!" The woman said, warmly opening her arms.

Camila looked at me on a hesitant way and I don't know what was that weird expression on my face, but she immediately shook her head. "Lauren is more than qualified for her position and I can't even compete against her..." She started to say.

"Come one, you don't know that!" The woman interrupted, still persisting.

"Mrs. Lespérance, I play as a seeker or I don't play at all." Camila said on a firm tone.

I wasn't saying anything. I guess I was just trying to burn this small woman with my eyes.

Her smile finally fainted when she realized that the conversation was over. "Fine! You keep your position for tomorrow's game, but I still want you to try today." She said before she started to walk towards the middle of the field, making signs to other players. "Do a line in front of the hoops!" She screamed.

Camila rolled her eyes and turned to face me. "Don't worry about this. She doesn't know what she's talking about."

Actually, she knew. Camila was blocking every single Quaffle like a freaking goddess! I'm sure that she let some of mine pass because she didn't want to offend me. Her technique was seriously impeccable and I understood why her parents wanted her to be a professional keeper.

Mrs. Lespérance tried to convince her more than once, but she was still saying no. Even if it was kind of insulting for me, it was obvious that she was right about Camila being a big benefit in front of those hoops.

"Wow number one, I didn't know that you had that in you, you're a really good keeper!" Tristan said when we all landed on the ground.

"Yeah girl, that was amazing." Dinah said, bumping her shoulder against Camila's.

"She is amazing." I added, smiling to my friends.

Camila slightly blushed and removed her gloves. "Thanks guys." She responded with a shy smile on her face.

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