Chapter 34

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The lady who was giving Adam's class was really doing her best to complete the theory. It must be horrible for a teacher to take someone else's place at the end of a school year. This was the last course before the final exam and even with everything that was going on, I was ready for it.

"That is it for today's class." The lady said, closing her book. "Do you have other questions or any interogations related to your final exam of next week?"

Nobody said anything. I gathered my things, shortly smiled at the teacher and left the classroom in a hurry.

I jumped but quickly felt my heart drop a bit when I saw Camila waiting for me next to the door with a gorgeous smile on her face and a small flower in her hand.

"I went to the greenhouse during my free time and I know you adore the smell of these." She handed me the flower.

I felt horrible. I needed to tell her that I couldn't spend time with her or even be there for dinner.

"Thanks Camz, that's really sweet of you." I smiled, taking the flower from her hand and firmly holding it.

We slowly started to walk in the hallway and I was trying to find something to say so she wasn't going to be angry at me.

"I am so happy to be back here with you." The younger brunette said as she took my hand in hers. "I missed all of this." She added, bringing our intertwined hands to her mouth to press her lips against the back of my hand.

"Me too." I responded. My brain was overheating right now. Maybe the best thing to do was simply to tell her. Was she going to understand?

"I'm so hungry." Camila said out of nowhere. "I said to Dinah that we were going to join her in the dorm so we could go downstairs together."

"About that..." I started, not really knowing how to say what I wanted to say. "I-I can't eat with you guys today because I have a really important thing to do."

Camila frowned but didn't lose her smile. "You still have to eat something though, I don't want to find you on the ground because you're working too much to be ready for your exams so you didn't eat anything at all!" My girlfriend said and I couldn't help but smile.

"I'll eat a little something, don't worry about me." I responded, slightly squeezing her hand.

"So we could meet up after for our walk!" She continued with excitement. "I could take like an hour to eat and to let you do your work, is that enough?" She asked as we arrived to the stairs. "I mean, I wouldn't want you to disregard school because of me since I know your exams are coming up and..."

"Baby." I cut her off as nice as possible. "I mhm I'm really sorry, but I can't after dinner." I kept it simple before Camila stopped in the stairs to look at me with the weirdest expression. Since I was holding her hand, I stopped as well.

She didn't say anything and she looked like she was analyzing me. Obviously, I couldn't only say that so I tried to add a bit to it.

"I know I told you that we were going to spend some time together and I really want to, believe me, but you wouldn't understand and..."

"Oh I wouldn't understand?!" It was Camila's turn to cut me off. "What is that supposed to mean?" She removed her hand from mine and raised an eyebrow.

"Please, don't make a scene, we'll talk about it." I calmly said.

"Why should we? I probably won't understand anyway!" She quickly talked back, making me sigh. "Are you seriously brushing me off and letting me down twice the same day?" She loudly said.

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