Chapter 9

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"I-I'm confused, you said t-that you didn't want to rush anything like three days ago." I said, trying to keep my cool.

I didn't remember how that happened, but Camila was on top of me, kissing the entire area of my jawline and my neck. "I changed my mind." She seductively whispered before she started to suck on a spot below my ear and kiss all the way down to my collar bone.

Holy. Freaking. Hell! I already told you that my neck is and will always be my biggest weakness, I couldn't contain myself. "I just don't want you to do something that you don't want to do." I mumbled with my eyes closed.

Camila slid both of her hands inside my shirt and slowly stroked my stomach with her fingers. "You talk too much." She said before crashing her lips on mine. Her tongue seductively slid across my bottom lip and I couldn't handle more. I grabbed her hips and rolled over to try to be a little more dominant. A moan escaped her lips when I basically attacked the side of her face, leaving a trail of wet spots.

"You don't even know the effect that you have on me." I whispered against her skin.

"Lauren, I think that you should get up now." Camila slowly said.

"What?" I asked, raising my head and looking at her with a confused face.

"Laur, wake up girl! You're going to be late, again!" Camila was not talking this time, Dinah was..?

I opened my eyes. My two roommates were standing on the right side of my bed, looking at me. I immediately closed my eyes again. I wanted to stay in this dream longer... A dream, a freaking dream! Wow, it looked so realistic though!

"You look destabilized a bit, bad dream?" Camila said with a gorgeous smile.

"Nah, not exactly." I responded and I held a laugh thinking about it. It was funny because now I just wanted to push her on my bed and started from where I left! Well, in my head. "Ready for today?!" I asked, pulling myself out of bed.

"Hell yeah! I'm more than ready." My best friend said. "Now move, I'm waiting four minutes."

I quickly prepared myself and we headed towards the great hall to eat before going to class.


"Give me an other one, I'm rocking this!" Camila said, clapping her hands.

We were both outside, sitting on a bench. It was almost 1:00 pm. I was supposed to be in class with Mr. Helbert, but I didn't like the new teacher, so I decided to be with Camila when her former team was going to arrive. We were trying to find some riddles! Before, us, Ravenclaws, didn't need to have any password to enter our tower. Actually, we were supposed to answer a riddle correctly. Therefore, any smart person could enter. People in our house are, most of the time, really clever, wise and creative! I was a beast at this game and I wanted to test the beautiful woman sitting next to me.

"I have one!" I immediately said. "What gets broken without being held?"

Camila started to laugh and looked at me with a small crooked smile. "Come on, that's easy! It's a promise, obviously."

"Okay, wait..." I quickly said. " Hm if I have it, I don't share it. If I share it, I don't have it. What is it?" I smiled.

"Let me think about it." The younger brunette said, looking at the blue sky.

"Bam! It's done, I won." I said with a huge grin on my face.

"Wait, I'm thinking!" Camila responded without looking at me.

"Forget it, you're not going to have this one, I'm positi..." I started but she looked down at me and her entire face lighted up.

"A secret, it's a secret." She said. "Is it?"

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