Chapter 7

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Three days and still nothing... Mr. Helbert was nowhere to be found. People tried not to talk too much about this, but I heard some students saying that he was the one who stole the books before he left. Well, they said that it was books and potions, but I was convinced that there was something else. Something important, important enough so that our lovely Minister decided to do something about it. The director had not returned and that pissed me off! It meant that I had to break the rules, again.

"No one is going to even try to stop me from spending time with Camila outside of that stupid castle, there is no way." I whispered to Dinah who was sitting next to me. We were in "History of Magic", but the teacher couldn't be more boring. Camila was in "Arithmancy", playing with numbers and those even more boring things.

"I know you have a lot of determination, but how are you going to do that? You heard Snape, nobody can leave..."

"Do you have a relevant comment to share with us, miss Hansen?" Professor Binns asked Dinah. "That's what I thought!" He added when he saw DJ taking her book.

"I'll talk to you about my plan later!" I whispered. Because I had a plan. I knew exactly the right person.


"Hey, Normani! Wait!" I screamed in the corridor to draw the attention of my friend. Normani and I, we met at our very first day of school, on the train! We were in the same cabin. I met her before Dinah tough. I was hoping to be in the same house as her, but that didn't happen. She was chosen to be in Gryffindor... It was obvious though, she was fearless and she still is. This girl was the true expert of all those secret places that you can think of in the castle. She basically knew the school like the back of her hand. We used a lot of different passages in order to sneak out of school when we were younger. I didn't know how she was doing it, but we never get caught, not a single time.

"Hey, Lauren!" Normani said before hugging me. "How were your holidays?" She asked.

"It was fine, I stayed at the castle. I prefer being here than to be by myself in my house." I said, smiling at her. "What about you, you went home?"

"Yeah, it was really nice, I missed my family!" She answered. "I'm sorry Laur, I'm already late, we'll talk later okay." Normani said with an apologizing smile.

"Actually, I was about to ask you something. Can I? It's not going to be long." I said.

"Who can say no to that cute little face! Go for it." She said.

"I just want to know which secret passage goes to Hogsmeade, I don't remember and I want to go there after school." I said.

My friend looked at me with a huge smirk on her face. "Who's the special one?"

"Wow Mani, you know me so well, it's kind of scary." I said before I started laughing.

She laughed and moved closer to me so that nobody was able to understand us. "There are a couple of them, but my favorite is beneath the one-eyed witch statue by the stairs to the "Defense Against the Dark Arts" classroom, I guess that you know what I'm talking about. It's leading to the cellar of Honeydukes, remember?" She whispered.

"I do now!" I said. "How the hell do you know that, by the way?" I asked.

"It's my secret! But I'll make sure that it's still there though. I have something to do now, but we can go check it out together in, let's say, 45 minutes?" Normani said before I nodded. "Right now, I really need to go, see you soon!"

"Yep, I'll be there! Thanks Mani, you're the best!" I said as she started to walk away.

I had to pick up Camila at the end of her course, so I started to walk to the other side of the school. I knew I was a bit late and I didn't want to make her wait so I started to walk a little bit faster. When I finally arrived, she was talking with Spencer in front of the door.

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