Chapter 22

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"Is everybody alright?" Elizabeth asked after I opened my eyes and realized that I didn't know where I was.

Marisa lost her balance and almost fell on her face, but I was quick to grab her arm. "Thanks." She mumbled as I instinctively put it around my neck once again.

"Where are we?" I asked, looking around. "Wait, are we at..."

"Hogwarts? Yes." Elizabeth ended my sentence. "We're going to stay in the apartments though! We don't want attention on us."

"The tower?" Dinah said. She wasn't holding the unconscious girl anymore, Adam was... She was quicker than me to recognize the place. Indeed, we were in the castle, in our house's tower.

"I just said that we don't want to drag attention on us." Elizabeth responded, eyeing Dinah. "And you are..?"

"The one I was talking about." Adam interjected, still looking at the younger girl he was holding.

"Dinah Jane." My friend said, slightly smiling at the older girl.

There was a brief moment of silence before Marisa talked. "Everyone is in the apartments?" She asked.

"Indeed." Adam simply responded as he started to walk towards the door.

"Do they know I'm here?" Dinah slowly asked with an insecure tone.

"I already explained them everything." He said and, even if I wanted to know more about this, the conversation was already over. It was annoying me! I was always the last one to know everything.

"Some of them are not really happy." Liz giggled, keeping the door open for Marisa and I. "You'll see."


When Elizabeth opened the door, nobody was there and it was really quiet. Adam headed right away to the infirmary with Marisa and his daughter. About that! This story was a little confusing for me. Well, everything was since a couple of weeks so I was able to deal with it, but still. His daughter tried to freaking kill us, especially Dinah, and I didn't want to be there when she was going to wake up!

"Lauren!" Normani said before crashing on me. Well, I thought it was her because I didn't have the time to see correctly.

"What the fuck were you thinking about?!" Another voice said behind us.

"Hey Aria, I'm glad to be here too!" I responded, still holding Mani in a hug.

She smirked and looked around. "And where's Risa?" Aria added, looking behind me.

"I'll explain it to you." Elizabeth responded for me as she took Aria by the arm and walked away with her.

"Are you okay?" Ally said after arriving with Tristan who didn't take his time to hug Dinah.

"I am." I slightly smiled. "Where are my parents and Camila?" I asked, searching for them.

"With Dumbledore, in his office." Normani responded. "They left a few minutes ago."

I talked with Ally and Normani a little bit since Tristan was with Dinah and Elizabeth was explaining what happened to Marisa with Aria. I wanted to go in the director's office, but they said that it wasn't the best idea... Instead, I took a shower and tried to explore the new place a little bit. It was pretty simple and looked like those dorms that we find in colleges.

I didn't really want to talk about what happened there... Not yet though! At the moment, I just wanted to be in that special someone's arms.

Almost one hour later, I was sitting on the couch of the common living room by myself. I didn't know where the others were, probably in their rooms. I was staring at the really dark painting on the wall when I heard footsteps behind me.

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