Chapter 26

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We were at the beginning of March. I was sitting outside by myself, looking at the trees from the Forbidden Forest. It's been two or three weeks since I've been having my big conversation with Dinah and I have to say that it helped me a lot. Of course, I was still missing Camila, but I tried my best to think about other things such as school and Quidditch. I didn't have any news from her, not even a letter, but I wasn't expecting one either. I've been spending a lot of time by myself and the old Lauren Jauregui, the super confident captain, was pretty much gone.

"Stop it!" I heard someone say, bringing me out of my own thoughts. "Stop!" The voice repeated before laughing.

I turned my head and saw two students, a girl and a boy. They seemed to be from Gryffindor, but I couldn't see really well with the sun attacking my eyes. The boy was chasing the girl and was trying to tickle her. The two of them were running around the school yard, laughing, like there was nothing else next to them. He finally grabbed her and placed his arms around her body, lifting her from the ground as they both started to laugh together.

I sadly smiled, remembering one particular moment.


"Lauren, don't you dare!" Camila almost yelled, running away from me.

"Come on babe, it's just a frog! Look how cute this little thing is!" I laughed, quickly following her, the animal in my hands.

We were at the exact same bench where we were waiting for the girls from Beauxbatons Academy a few months ago. I was talking to Camila about the presentation I just did on vampires when I saw something behind her that caught my attention. I don't usually have a problem with animals, I actually love them. I quickly stood up and took the frog in my hands.

"Put that back or I swear..." Camila started to say, but she couldn't finish her sentence because, as she was speaking to me and walking away, she didn't see the rock lying in front of her and she fell right on her knees.

"Shit." I said, quickly putting the frog down and walking in her direction.

I started to laugh when I saw Camila moving her hands in front of her face in order to protect it. "I'm not going to throw it on you, it's gone." I giggled, kneeling next to her. "Are you okay?"

"I didn't see that stupid rock." She mumbled as I helped her getting on her feet. "But I'm fine!" She added, closely looking around to make sure that the frog was really away.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault." I smiled, placing my arms around her neck and bringing her closer to me.

"Wait!" She quickly said, gently pushing me away. "I want you to wash your hands before touching me, these things are full of bacteria."

I laughed at her funny facial expression as we both started to walk back to the castle.

End of the flashback

"Lauren!" I heard someone say my name from behind me, bringing me out of my thoughts again.

I turned around to see Normani and Ally walking towards the bench.

"What are you doing here by yourself?" Ally said, sitting next to me as Normani stood in front of us.

"Just relaxing a little bit. You guys weren't supposed to work on a paper at the library?" I asked.

"Done!" Normani smiled at me. "Honestly, I'm not going to work on that until six!"

"Dinah needed to talk to Mr. Helbert after her course with him, she's coming after." Ally added.

I simply nodded my head, thinking that Ally was done talking. She had a really weird expression on her face though and I was wondering why.

"Are you going to tell her or..?" Normani slowly asked.

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