1. Where am I?

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Just to let you know, the remainder of the book (unless stated otherwise) is in HARRY'S POV :P Hope this avoids any confusion :)


Suddenly, I felt something… something on my face. Air? I could feel the air on my face. When was the last time I could feel that? I can’t remember. How long had I been asleep? Where was I? I shivered as thousands of questions that I couldn’t answer rushed through my head uncontrollably.

I tried to open my eyes so I could take in my surroundings, but failed. My eyelids just felt too heavy. So I decided to use my other senses to determine where I was. I couldn’t hear anything but the faint burr of some electrical device, maybe a laptop or something like that. Other than that the room seemed completely silent to me. I breathed deeply in through my nose. Again, there wasn’t any distinct smells in the room, only that of cleanliness. I don’t really know how else to describe it, a bit like soap, but only a very faint scent.

I could feel a blanket or something similar on top of my body, I was laying horizontally on a hard, yet surpisingly comfortably surface. Maybe I was simply at home, just having woken up from a deep sleep on my bed. But that doesn’t explain how I don’t remember getting here, or even falling asleep. Or why it is such a struggle to move any part of my body, even my eyelids.

So, I was simply lying there, unmoving, breathing almost silently, and just thinking. I was racking my brain for any indication of where I was, what had happened to me and why; but I found none.

An abrupt, yet minuscule, surge of energy ran through my body and I was finally able to pry my eyes open. I winced at the change in light and saw a door straight ahead of me; the whole room was painted white, or a shade of light beige in places. Tilting my head vaguely to my right, I saw another door, one that seemed to be leading to a storage cupboard or similar. I saw multiple charts and graphs pinned up to the wall along with an electronic device that had a steady red line across it, going up and down like someone’s heart rate.

Then it dawned on me, I was in a hospital, lying on a hospital bed, with wires all around me. The only question I had was; how did I get here?

I turned my head to my left, seeing four people, young boys, sitting on the plastic chairs provided. They were all looking at their hands which were placed in their laps. But why were they in my room?

I breathed out. It must have been quite a big breath as immediately, all four boy’s heads snapped up. As they saw my eyes open gasps emitted from each of their mouths. They all looked really bad, with dark circles under their eyes and exhausted, worried looks plastered onto their faces. But the one sitting closest to me, with feathery brown hair swept to one side looked the worst. I saw tears begin to form in his eyes and one even rolled down his cheek. What’s the matter with him?

“H-H-Haz?” He questioned weakly, looking up at me with his grey blue eyes, whilst leaning forward towards me in his chair shock on his face. His mouth hung wide open and I’m pretty sure he didn’t believe what he was seeing… but why? He looked as if he was seeing an alien, he looked that surprised. His eyes filled with tears as he blinked a few times then reached out to me with arm, but didn’t get too close to, uncertainty still on written on his face. Seriously, what was up with him?

All four of the boys rose from their seating positions. Another one with light brown hair, but his shorter than the other boy’s, rushed out of the room quickly, shouting for a nurse.

I opened my mouth, trying to talk, question what was going on, but no sound came out. My throat closed up and I seemed to choke on thin air. My mouth opened and closed quickly like a goldfish and I’m sure I looked slightly terrified and in utter shock as my eyes quickly scanned the remaining three boys. I took a deep breath and tried again, “What’s going on?” I asked simply, my voice harsh and raw, like I hadn’t spoken in weeks… which could have easily been true.

Don't You Remember? ~Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now