38. Lost then Found

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I shouted once more, this time becoming more urgent, trying, but not succeeding, to calm myself down.

Sighing, my heart pounding in my chest, I sat down next to Louis’ bag, pulling it onto my lap and hugging it like it was the closest I could get to Louis right now. I sniffled, allowing the tears to come to my eyes, what if he really was gone… for good?

It was a few seconds of hearing only the sounds of my heavy breathing and the leaves rustling a little before I heard something else. “H-Harry…?”

At first I thought it was Liam, or one of the others coming to find me, but there was no mistaking that accent.

I stood up slowly, looking around me, still seeing nobody. Almost convinced that I was hearing things, I squinted, looking for any movement in the trees. “Louis? Where are you?” I asked cautiously, spinning around on the spot to look for him.

Again, it was a moment or two before his voice floated through the air again. “Up here,” he said and my head snapped up, seeing some leaves move about in one of the trees before Louis appeared behind them, casually sitting on one of the tree’s branches.

He smiled a little as his eyes met mine, then began shuffling along the branch to the tree trunk, climbing down a little way and jumping the rest.

“Louis,” I breathed out in disbelief, frozen to the spot as I watched him. When he was standing at the base of the tree, only a few metres from me, neither of us seemed to want to make the first move.

But then I was jogging, jogging over to the man in front of me and opening my arms wide, engulfing him in a hug. My eyes were fresh with tears and the way his arms slotted around me made me know that I had made the right decision; this is what I want. Louis is what I want.

“Louis,” I repeated, muttering in his ear as my whole body shook with tears. I was just so happy to have found him. It was only now that I realised how worried I had been of never seeing him again.

Louis didn’t say anything, just buried his head in my chest, hugging me just as tightly as I was hugging him. I didn’t know what he was expecting from me, but I placed a soft kiss to his head, pulling away only slightly so I could talk to him. “I’m so sorry, for everything,” I mumbled. “I’m sorry for putting you through everything, you know that. But I’m sorry that you felt like I didn’t love you Louis. I will always love you, nothing as simple as a bit of memory loss could stop that,” I smirked as he looked up at me.

“I’m sorry too,” he said. “For running away, I just… I-”

“Needed some time to think,” I finished for him. “I understand. It’s alright, you don’t have to explain yourself,” I said with a nod.

Louis nodded as well, his eyebrows furrowed a little, like he was thinking. “You-you really love me?” he mumbled, looking up at me with watery eyes.

My grin widened as I nodded. I laced my fingers together behind his neck, fiddling a little with the hairs at the base of his head. Carefully pulling him closer to me, I looked into his eyes, licking my lips, making him fully aware of what I was about to do, so that he could pull away if he wanted to.

However, his eyes only fluttered shut, his lips parting slightly as he inched his face closer to mine. Without wasting another second, I gently connected our lips, moaning quietly as I felt the achingly familiar roughness or his lips against mine. I moved my lips against his slowly, pulling him even closer. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in so I could feel the warmth of his chest against mine.

We didn’t dare break apart, our mouths still doing some kind of slow-dance; lips and tongue mingling together in a moment that was just us.

Don't You Remember? ~Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now