34. Interruptions

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I woke up, Louis’ soft chestnut hair in my face. I smiled to myself. We had sorted everything out, even if it was at 4 o’clock in the morning. I didn’t move, not wanting to wake Louis up. Instead, I kissed along his back, kissing the soft skin on his shoulder. My lips moved along to his neck, kissing lightly, when I heard a quiet moan.

“How long have you been awake?” I questioned, faking annoyance.

“I don’t know. How long have you been doing that?” Louis asked, and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

“A couple of minutes,” I replied.

“Ok, so I’ve been awake for a couple of minutes,” he said, then turned to lie on his back, facing the ceiling. He craned him head upwards, pecking my lips before falling back onto the pillow, sighing. “Morning babe,” he smiled up at me.

I couldn’t help but smile; he knew how much I loved his good morning kisses and his sexy morning voice. After softly kissing his cheek, I lay my head down on his bare chest, wrapping my arm around him and sighing contently.

“So, y’know,” Louis began, running his hands repeatedly through my hair. “We’re alright now, yeah?” he asked.

“Of course baby,” I replied, smiling against his skin. I felt his chest vibrate as he hummed in approval.

“I love you Harry, so much.” Louis said, “You know that right?” He checked. Honestly, why was he getting all insecure now? We had been over this last night (or early this morning as it actually was). We had said our ‘I love you’s and apologised for the way we both acted. So what more was there to it?

“Of course baby,” I repeated, faking exasperation and Louis chuckled.

I loved this, just laying in his warm hold, no words needed. I could stay there all morning, just enjoying the peacefulness of it all, but unfortunately, my bladder had other ideas.

I pulled myself from Louis’ grip, much to his annoyance. After doing my business in the bathroom joined to my bedroom, I headed back to the bed. Louis’ eyes were closed, he must be tired, I thought. If what he told me was true, he didn’t sleep at all until we had talked things out in the middle of the night.

I turned, going to go to the kitchen and make him some breakfast in bed to surprise him, but a grip on my wrist stopped me. Louis tugged on my arm hard enough to make me stumble, tripping on the bed and falling on top of him.

I saw his eyes wide underneath me and I could feel the warmth of his body close to mine. Without a second thought, I moved my head down, latching my lips onto his.

He responded a moment later, moving his lips passionately against mine. My hands were placed either side of his head, while his held my hips, stopping me from moving away, not that I wanted to. I moved my lips roughly against his, pushing my head towards him, loving the control I had over him due to our position. As one of my hands travelled to his hair, tugging on a clump of the luscious chestnut locks, he released a moan. When his mouth opened, our tongues mingled, rubbing repeatedly against each other.

I detached my lips from his, panting for breath for a second before diving into his neck. I kissed different areas along it, until I found that one spot that made him take a sharp intake of breath. I stopped at that position, sucking hard on his neck and nibbling on the skin a little. After a minute or two of sucking and licking over the same spot, I hovered over him again, admiring the mark I had made.

His hands quickly found their way around my neck and he pulled me back down for another long, heated kiss. Lips, teeth and tongues all battling together.

I vaguely heard a distant knocking sound, but ignored it; all I could concentrate on was Louis and his lips.

“Harry, have you seen Louis,” came Niall’s worried voice through the door as it slowly creaked open. “He’s not in his room an-” He stopped immediately as he took in the sight in front of him. Louis and I had both pulled away from the kiss once we heard Niall’s voice, but I was still hovering over him, both of our bare chests almost touching.

Don't You Remember? ~Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now