14. The Outing

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Back from holiday now so another chapter for you :)

Not dedicated to anyone as i have no one new commenting but shoutout to @KatValentine264 and @Directioner4life12 for all the comments, you both deserve infinate dedications!

Anyway, to the story:

“Harry, wake up,” I heard a soft voice calling me. I opened my eyes, slowly getting out of my unconscious state. The smell of fresh pancakes invaded my senses, and I turned over, grumbling to myself.

I rubbed my eyes to clear my vision and looked to see Louis standing by my bedside, a tray filled with food in his hands. Sitting up, I mumbled a ‘good morning’ to Louis and smiling at him as he sat down next to me in his bed.

“I made you breakfast,” Louis explained, setting the tray down on my lap.

“Thanks,” I said, grabbing the bottle of syrup and drizzling it over the warm pancakes. “This looks amazing Lou,” he smiled at me and looked a bit nervous.

“Thanks, I hope they taste alright – I’m not the best cook.”

I took a bite and hummed in pleasure as the sweet mixture made contact with my tongue. Looking to Louis, I smiled, letting him know they tasted just great.

We ate in silence for a while, Louis occasionally taking bites out of my pancakes. He was more than welcome to have some; he was the one who made them anyway.

“Can we go out today?” I asked suddenly, “I mean, it’s nice here with the lads, but I’ve been stuck either at the hospital or in this house for almost a week now.”

“Um, yeah, ok.” Louis replied, sounding unsure. “Are you sure you won’t get overwhelmed by everything? I must warn you – we will probably get mobbed by fans if we go out.”

“I think I’ll be fine,” I reassured him. “You’ll stay with me though, wont you?” I asked, showing my vulnerable side, and Louis seemed to notice.

“Of course, I’ll be with you all the time.” He confirmed, smiling gently at me, and I knew that whatever happened, Louis would be there to stop me from getting harmed.

“Great, we better go and get ready then!” I ran out of the door, into my room, leaving Louis to shower and get ready for our little ‘outing’.

About half an hour later, I was showered, dressed and ready by the front door, waiting for Louis.

“LOUIS!” I shouted through the house. “Get your arse here or else I’m going without you,” I threatened.

I heard a grumble, and a moment later, Louis appeared out of his bedroom door, running a hand through his hair. “Ok, calm down. It takes time to look this good in the morning,” he replied, as he grabbed his shoes and jacket, pulling them on.

“Of course it does,” I said, playing along. Then I ruffled his perfectly styled hair with my hand, causing him to slap my hand away and complain about how it took him ages to style that. I just giggled.

“Come on, let’s go,” he sighed. We walked out the door and up to the black range rover, Louis heading round to the drivers seat while I hopped in on the other side. “I hope you don’t mind me driving your car; I don’t think it would be a good idea for you to start driving just yet,” Louis commented and I nodded in agreement as we drove off the driveway and off to wherever we were heading.

We arrived in a busy town centre and I began to worry. I don’t know how much attention we would attract and I don’t really like the sound of getting mobbed, even if it is by our own fans.

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