16. Memories

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Dedicated to @TrulyMadlyLarry Because i absolutely love her Larry Fanfics 'Detention' and 'Summer Shade'. I doubt she will even see this but if you do... I love your Larry <3 hehe

“It was a memory,” I whispered, barely audible. Louis ducked his head, looking to his lap, so I wasn’t able to read his emotions, not saying a word in response, only confirming what I had just realized.

I don’t know how long we sat there in silence, but for me, it felt like hours. What was I supposed to say now that I had found out that I had fucked my ‘best friend’ before and no one had told me?

“Harry, I think the dinner might be burning!” Niall’s voice rang out through our house.

That seemed to snap me out of my trance. I jumped up from my spot on Louis’ bed and ran over to the door, flinging it open and storming out. I grabbed my jacket from its hanger and slipped on some shoes, getting out of the front door as fast as I could without saying a word to anyone.

Once out of the house, I started up a jog down the pavement. I didn’t know where I was going, just away from there, from him. I felt like I couldn’t stay there, like my thoughts would eat me alive. I would get constant questions, not to mention having to look at Louis.

So what would happen now, I would ignore Louis for the rest of my life, never able to look him in the eye again? No. I would just have to sort the thoughts rushing through my head first, then I would figure out what I would do.

When I was far enough away from the house to feel safe, alone, and make sure that I wasn’t being followed, I slowed to a walk. I pulled my hood over my head in a weak attempt to hide myself from the world. I just wanted to be alone right now; just me and my thoughts.

It was then I opened up the jumble of thoughts, trying to arrange them so they made some kind of sense.

Well, at least one of my questions had been answered; I now knew why I had dreamt that. But that had only brought several more questions flooding my brain.

So it was a memory, I had established that. So why were we doing that? Was it just a one off fuck or were we in some kind of a relationship. I thought about that for a moment – being in a relationship with Louis. We had been close, pretty much inseparable for the past week or so, and I’m sure it had been the same before. But what would it be like to date him?

We would always hug, occasionally kiss each other on the forehead or hair and we had slept in the same bed on more than one occasion. So would it really be all that different to date him?

I let my thoughts wander for a moment, not being able to comprehend much, as I continued my walk along the roads of the outskirts of London. I had no idea where I was, but I would find my way back home somehow, right?

I stopped abruptly in my tracks as my thoughts ran over something, and suddenly everything added up.

Why Louis was the most torn up when I couldn’t remember him.

Why everyone had been keeping some stupid secret from me.

Why Louis was so cautious to get too close to me and scare me off.

Why Louis had that outburst when he found out Niall was dating another guy.

He wasn’t jealous because he loved Niall, as I had previously thought, he was jealous because he loved someone else; someone who he couldn’t have.


That realization hit me like a ton of bricks, Louis Tomlinson, my ‘best friend’, was in love with me

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