40. Marry me?

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The last chapter... *sobbing*

I looked back up to Louis once I was sure Liam had left, still blushing madly. Smiling shyly, I lent back in to reconnect our lips. That was, until I felt two strong hands on my shoulders, gently but firmly pushing me back.

Louis looked a little nervous, biting his lip as he looked at me. Of course, that only made him look ten times more sexy and even more irresistible, making me want to just pounce on him. But I contained myself, thankfully.

"Sorry," Louis said, but I just smiled at him; he didn't need to be apologising to me. "The moment has gone," he sighed, pulling me by my waist so I was sitting across his lap and burying his head in my shoulder.

"It's alright," I shrugged, holding him close and kissing the top of his head.

Louis was still for a moment, before he wriggled out of my hold, carefully nudging me away. I sat next to him, our legs still touching but I no longer felt the warmth of his hold. "Um... I have something for you," he said nervously and I frowned, he wasn't usually this nervous. "If you want it, that is..." he added, before proceeding to bite his lip, shuffling in his seat.

I soon realised he was getting something out of his pocket, and looked on furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. However, I remained quiet, knowing that if he was getting this nervous, it must be something important.

Louis paused for a moment, looking up to me with wide eyes, before bringing one of his hands to the back of my neck. He pulled me closer and my eyes fluttered closed before our lips met. This time however, Louis took control of the kiss, holding my head still as he kissed me, keeping the kiss slower paced as his lips moved against mine. It was one of those soft, gentle, loving kisses that left those fluttery butterflies in your stomach, and I couldn't help but smile into it.

"I love you," he murmured against my lips as he slowly pulled away from me, sitting up straight again.

I furrowed my eyebrows, but smiled slightly at him, "I love you too," I repeated the short phrase. But, I was sceptical; something was going on here.

He smiled wide and let his hand drop down to my lower back. "Well, it's kinda already yours..." Louis murmured, his gaze dropping to his lap before he exhaled once, bring his head back up to look me in the eyes. "But don't feel like you have to accept it; we've only been dating for a short while..." He said, pursing his lips.

"We've been dating for almost four years," I corrected, smirking as I raised one eyebrow.

"Well, you know what I mean," Louis sighed. "Since the accident, it doesn't really feel the same as before, I'm always wondering whether you truly love me..." He trailed off and I tilted my head to the side, smirking sarcastically. "But not now," he quickly added. "I've been told enough how you feel, and I trust you not to be lying." He said with a smile and quick kiss on the cheek.

I chuckled a little feeling myself blush slightly, "is that a subtle hint that I should stop reminding you every three seconds," I joked, watching as Louis' face lit up in amusement.

"No, of course not," Louis said, smiling fondly at me as he shook his head. "I love you telling me that you love me; who wouldn't want to hear that?"

I shrugged, smiling widely as I leaned into Louis’ side. He paused, seemingly remembering that he was apparently going to give me something. "Um, I know this might be a big jump since only a few weeks ago, you had no idea who I was..." He started, nodding slightly as if giving himself confidence. "But I've been ready for a while now, and I hope you feel the same."

He pulled out his right hand that was dug in his trouser pocket, holding his enclosed fist in front of me. "I love you Harry," he muttered opening his hand to reveal a shiny golden bronze ring with a bright diamond looking straight at me.

Don't You Remember? ~Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now