29. The Path to Remembering

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Sorry for the late update...

I felt a pair of warm arms slide around my waist from behind and fell into the embrace, knowing exactly who it was; I had long since started recognising how his arms felt around me.

"So, you're getting to know Jordan, huh?" Louis husky voice spoke in my ear.

"Yeah," I replied as we began to walk out of the living room, down to Lou's bedroom. "He seems like a good guy, I can see why he and Niall get along." Even though I hadn't spent much time with him, I could tell by the way he acted and how he spoke about Niall that he would treat him right.

"That's nice," I could hear a bit of jealousy in his voice, I was certain of it. But he had nothing to be jealous of; I had him, and Jordan had Niall. There was nothing going on between us.

"So Lou," I started changing the topic. "I haven't really though about this much before, but you know how we're in a band?"

Louis raised his eyebrows, giving me a quizzical look. "Yes" he replied, drawing out the word as he tried to figure out where this conversation was heading.

"Well that must mean that I can sing, like pretty good." I said and Louis nodded slightly before smirking.

"Well, much better than 'pretty good', you have the most amazing voice ever." He told me and, yeah, that was probably a bit of an exaggeration or just wanting me to feel better about myself, but it was nice to hear it anyway.

"So I was wondering if today, we could just do some singing. So that I can remember our old songs and get my voice back up to scratch," I suggested. Louis nodded for a while, and I could tell that he was thinking about something.

"How about," he started, then bit his lip thinking. I leant in towards him and nodded, signalling for him to continue. "How about we go down to the recording studio? If you don't want to that's fine but I just thought since there's loads of instruments to play around on and we could go into the recording booths and try recording each other. Not a proper recording session, just messing around and having some fun singing." he looked up at me, a smile playing on his lips and a little twinkle to his eyes. "So, what do you think?"

I thought about all that he had said for a second or two before nodding my head eagerly. "Yes Lou! That would be great, it sounds like fun." His smile increased and I smiled too, glad I could make him happy. "Would we go with the others or just us two?"

"Um, whichever you want."

"We should bring the lads along with us, then maybe Niall can take Jordan," I suggested, to which Louis just hummed and shrugged.

"Come on then," I said eagerly, pulling at the sleeve of Louis' shirt like a little child.

"Alright, alright. Let's go then," he gave in, standing up and heading down the hallway to voice our plans to Zayn and Liam.

"How about we try 'They don't know about us'?" Louis asked. We were all at the recording studio, in one of the many rooms filled with instruments and a sound booth along with some voice editing equipment. Louis and I had found our own separate room while the others were mucking around in another.

"Ok, I think I recognise that song name," I said, but it was only make him happy; I had no idea which song he was talking about. So far he had suggested a few of our songs to sing, but I had no signs of recognizing any of them. Every time I said I didn't remember the song, I would see his face fall a little more. I hated seeing him upset, but there was nothing I could do about it.

A small smile appeared on his lips and he walked over to the electronic piano in one corner of the room. "Here, I'll teach you the melody and the lyrics," Louis suggested and before I could reply, he let his fingers slide over the keys on the piano.

Don't You Remember? ~Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now