36. Only Time Will Tell

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Only a few minutes after Louis had run out of the house, I was on the sofa, sobbing. Niall and Jordan were on either side of me, trying to comfort me while Zayn and Liam sat on the opposite sofa, looking concerned. I had to admit, it was nice, but it was nothing compared to Louis.

In those next five minutes, I tried calling Louis multiple times, each time there was no reply. “I don’t even know where he went…” I muttered into Niall’s shoulder as he hugged me tightly.

He put his hands on my shoulders, pushing me away from him lightly. “Do you want to tell us what happened now?” he pushed, looking me in the eyes and smiling encouragingly.

I sniffed, wiping my eyes. It was stupid to cry over this, he would probably be back in a couple of days at most, then we could sort things out and he would be able to understand how I felt. “Well, he read one of the comments on the video, that wasn’t too nice,” I started. “It said things like how he had probably forced me into a relationship and lied about what happened before I lost my memory, to get me to like him.”

“But he didn’t,” Liam butted in, one eyebrow raised in confusion. “So what’s the problem?” he asked, looking at me as if I had agreed with the comment.

“Of course he didn’t,” I confirmed. “But he thought that I didn’t really love him and I was only with him because of what he had told me about before,” I explained. “He said that there was no point me being in a relationship with him where I couldn’t remember the times we shared.”

Liam sighed, shaking his head. “He always said, when you first woke up after the accident, that he was worried you would never fully be ‘you’ again,” he said, looking down to the floor. “He was always worried that you would never remember who he was before the accident, or who you were for that matter, but he didn’t want to turn you into something that you’re not.”

I sighed, letting out another sob. “He’s so stupid,” I cried and everyone stared at me. “He just doesn’t understand. I do love him, even if I don’t know what happened before my accident.” I said, before sitting up and looking to the other four boys in the room. “Um, so have I…? y’know, changed since the accident?” I asked. I had asked Harry a similar question a few days ago, I but I wanted to know what these boys thought.

“Well, your personality hasn’t changed a bit,” Niall said, smiling. “You’re just as cheeky, obnoxious, and funny as you always have been!” he smirked at me, as I attempted to smile back. “Just the way you act around us,” he added. “You’re a bit more held back and shy around people than you were before, but that’s probably the only thing that’s changed,” he explained and I nodded solemnly.

“But you’re still the same person you were before,” Liam said, looking at me sympathetically. Again, I nodded.

“Hey, what’s bothering you?” Zayn reached over, putting a hand on my knee, looking at me as if he knew there was something more than just Louis leaving that was on my mind.

“What if I have changed?” I asked, frowning. “What if something about me has changed and Louis no longer loves me, he was just looking for a way to get out of this and now he’s done it…” I sighed.

Liam’s eyebrows furrowed together, “Harry,” he shook his head. “Louis still loves you, that much is obvious. He said that he has always said that no matter what happens, he didn’t think it was possible to stop loving you.” Liam paused and I was about to say something when he cut me off. “It’s also obvious that you love him just as much, despite what has happened,” he sighed, thinking. “But Louis’ oblivious to that, he’s worried that, because you can’t remember what happened in your almost four years of dating, you don’t love him like you did before…”

Don't You Remember? ~Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now